An Ode to Thomas Jefferson

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Talented beyond compare.

A genius like no other.

Independence you declare.

Much knowledge you discover.

You admired Bacon and Locke

You thought Jesus was quite smart

When your time ran out the clock

We saw what lay in your heart

You believed in liberty

But kept other men in chains

An alledged scientist

Who claimed white men had more brains

You said states rights were the way

But when you were President

Those beliefs withered away

You did what Presidents can't. 

Only land owners can vote.

Only land owners have rights.

So it was by words you wrote.

The people still had to fight.

What makes it all so much worse?

That you knew it all was wrong.

You called slavery a curse.

And you sang a freedom song.

Of all the nations founders.

I detest you most of all.

Your principles you flounder.

A coward who dropped the ball.

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