An Ode to John Rockefeller

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He built an empire called Standard Oil.

Wrapped up all the land with his snake coils.

Ida Tarbell told the world the truth.

Yet his wealth spoke louder than the youth.

Few could match his business acumen.

He knew the only pathway to win.

Find business partners and make good deals.

Then stab them in their backs; Make them squeal.

A bigamist and a quack doctor.

That was the life of his own father.

He saw how his mother grew bitter.

So John chose to be like him, not her.

The feds broke up the monopoly.

He rebuilt; A holding company.

The government broke it up again.

His pockets held three hundred billion.

He gave much away to charity.

Methodism offered clarity.

In the oil business, he scored a win.

Did what he do right absolve his sin?

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