Falling is like a sad thing

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The party's over. Their romance too. They said their bye's. Arjun walks Ayesha home. 

"So, what are you gonna do now? You don't have a test to prepare." - Arjun says with a smile.
Ayesha laughs. 
"Yeah"- Ayesha
"No, seriously. What are your plans now?" - Arjun
"For now, I think I'll wash my mouth." - Ayesha says while controlling her laugh.
"You little--" - Arjun pats her. 
Then they both laugh.

They reach Ayesha's home. After making sure no one's around them, They hold each other's hands for a while.

"You should go now." - Ayesha.
"But I don't want to." - Arjun
"You have to. Now go." - Ayesha says giving him a small push.
Ayesha closes the gate, looks at him one last time, and smiles.
Jeez. That smile kills him every time.
Arjun blushes a little bit and moves from there.

Arjun was lost in his thoughts throughout his journey back to his home. He kept thinking about her. After reaching home he took a quick shower and grabbed his mobile. He texted Ayesha. 
She replied after a while. 

"Hey" - Arjun

"Hey" - Ayesha

"What are you doing?" - Arjun

"Nothing. Just took a shower." - Ayesha

"Oh! Same" - Arjun

"Oh! Acha listen. I'll text you at night. I have some work to do. Please don't mind." - Ayesha

"It's ok. No problem." - Arjun

"Bye" - Ayesha

"Bye" - Arjun

Just a bye. I expected something else.

"Love you" - Ayesha

"Love you too" - Arjun blushes.

Now that is what I expected.

Love is a very weird feeling. A very weird emotion. It makes you do things you hate. Things you thought you would never do. And first love is something on a whole different level. First love is very special. We feel like we have no bounds. No limits. We wanna spend more time with them. And we want them to spend more time with us. We wanna do all the things we think of doing together. All the crazy things. All the stupid things. All the naughty things.

No matter who we end up with in our life, we always remember our first love. Cuz It teaches us a lot of things. 

Arjun is feeling all of this right now.
"Just took a shower."  -This line from Ayesha is stuck in Arjun's mind. Out of nowhere, some scenarios play in Arjun's mind. Like Ayesha is in the shower and he too. They making love.
Well, he's young and in love. We can't blame him for this. 

Arjun is blushing imagining all this. Mobile in his hands and blushing. Nothing can stop his parents from doubting him now. 

"Is everything ok?" - Arjun's mom.

"Yeah" - Arjun replies with a panic.

She gives him a look from up to down and leaves. Arjun understands he needs to be careful.
He moves his mind to his work. At least he tries to. Arjun manages to do some of his work and it's night outside. He eats his dinner. And goes to his room to sleep. He texts Ayesha. He waits for her reply. He texts a couple of times again. Still no reply.

It's 10 o'clock. A message beeps. Arjun checks it quickly expecting it to be his girlfriend. But unfortunately no. It is a notification from Zomato. Arjun curses something and goes back to his wait. It's quarter to 11. A message beep again. Arjun checks it again. This time Arjun's face glows. His heartbeat is disturbed. He's excited. This time Ayesha replies to his texts. They chat for some time. Ayesha couldn't reply quickly because her parents were with her. They are really strict. Arjun didn't want to force her to talk to him every day. He tried to understand her situation.
They chatted for a little more and said their goodnights. They went to sleep hoping to spend their next day with them.

It's a Sunday. The whole family is at their homes. They hardly get a chance to chat with each other. They plan to come to school the next day early. And they did. Arjun was standing above the stairs as Ayesha was climbing the stairs in a hurry. They were excited to meet each other. They look into each other's eyes. They make sure no one is around them. And they hug. Like they missed each other for an eternity. They hear someone coming so they leave. And that someone was Lily. Arjun's best friend. He used to share everything with her. But he didn't tell her about this early meeting. He thought this was not something to share. Besides Arjun was lost in Ayesha's thoughts. Lily felt something fishy. She thought this would effect his grades if gets too distracted by Ayesha. Since It was Lily, Arjun tried to understand it. He thought he could handle his studies. And he did or sometimes. Some days passed. Days converted into weeks. They chat every day. Actually every night. Weeks into 1 month. 

"Falling is like a sad thing" - Ayesha

They are on a date. A movie date.

"Sad thing?" - Arjun

"Yeah" - Ayesha
"I think most of the precious things in the world are really delicate. If they fall once, they break into pieces. And love is one of the most precious things, right?" - Ayesha

"Well, You can say that." - Arjun says with a smile. Ayesha isn't as intelligent as Arjun when it comes to studies. But she has her own way of seeing things. And Arjun loved that.

"Instead of I fell for you I would say I am lost."  -Ayesha

"Lost?"  -Arjun

"I am lost in this vast world of unknown and un-understandable things. And your eyes show me the way to my home."  - Ayesha smiles.

Arjun feels really happy. After feeling left out of his friends for a couple of years, Arjun feels like someone needs him. 

Boys don't want a great high-paying job. We don't need costly gifts. We don't want gold or money.

All they want is someone on his side. Someone who needs him. Someone who loves to rely on him. And someone who he loves to help out. Boys just need that satisfaction.

1 month passed away. They revealed their love to some of their friends. Every time they meet each other expectedly or unexpectedly, their friends make some noise from the background. Arjun and Ayesha hated it, but sometimes they liked it. The love between them grew stronger. 

Ayesha loved songs. Especially love songs. She mostly preferred Malayali songs. On Oct 25th, 2021, a song came out. Darshana. Ayesha loved it. She listened to it a million times. She made Arjun listen to it 2 million times. He didn't have any problem as he liked it too. They made a plan to watch that movie. It was going to be released on Jan 21st, 2022. They both decided to go. Months passed. It was December. They finished their final exams. Arjun thought he performed well. They were ready to go to the movie. Nothing has gone wrong in his life since Ayesha came. So, what could possibly go now, right? This is what Arjun is thinking now. After Ayesha entered his life, Everything has been positive. This is what Arjun believed.

But just how true is it? 

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