Titan Fight Club

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While the Gojira, Doug, and the Queens of the Monsters slept peacefully in the Everfree Forest back at Bagan's lair he remains seated on his throne with a disappointed look, when he saw his henchmen return from the Hollow Earth he was not pleased with their failed attempt at killing the group, but he was impressed with Indominus Rex's strength and power considering that she was able to easily beat both Cheerilee and Doug, as he continues to think of another plan to eliminate Godzilla and his allies Ramarak enters the lair dragging a corpse of a dead buffalo before he starts to feast on its body which catches the evil Titan's attention, out of all his henchmen that he currently has with him, Ramarak has been doing the most work, he sent him and his kind to eliminate the Chimera Titan at Beast's castle, sent him to Egypt to aid Filthy Rich to eliminate Diamond Tiara, sent him and Muto Prime to scour the world and recruited Indominus Rex that same day, and sent him and his allies to eliminate the Titans in the Hollow Earth, though he does want to achieve his goal on taking over the new world, he knew that one of his hard working henchmen needed a break.

Bagan: Ramarak.

Ramarak: Yeah?

Bagan: Could you come here for a moment?

Ramarak: Yeah sure, (walks towards Bagan) is this about what happened after our failed attempt at killing the group in the Hollow Earth?

Bagan: No, that is behind us now, I have been seeing your hard work as of lately, your efforts of trying to eliminate Godzilla and his allies have been rough for you recently, and I have decided that you need a break.

Ramarak: A break, wow uh, I don't even know what the hell to say man.

Bagan: No need Ramarak, after all you have been working hard as of recently, and that Wererabbit Titan gave you an ass kicking.

Ramarak: Don't remind me, fucking embarrassing just by thinking about it, first Fluttershy, then it was Filthy Rich's daughter, now it was a Titan that's not only massive, but fucking fluffy.

Bagan: I will admit, it was embarrassing to watch, and I pity you for that, but luckily you won't be dealing with them anytime soon, but prehaps while you are away from the fight, you should find some place to keep yourself entertained.

Ramarak: A place to keep myself entertained, hmmmm, you know something, there is a place somewhere in Hell that Demons usually go to, I think it's called a fight club, I'll probably go their and kick some ass.

Bagan: Very well Ramarak, you may go now, and don't forget your dinner.

The Alpha Cranium Reptant nods his head before he proceeds to walk away from the evil Titan lord before he grabs the corpse and walks outside of the lair so he could participate in the fight club, many hours soon went by with the sun slowly starting to rise from over the horizon as a new day has begun, the Titans laying on the ground were still asleep in peace with Doug still sleeping on Godzilla's side, Doug slowly started to open his eyes before he stretches out his arms, legs, and tail before he proceeds to climb down the Gojira who continues to sleep peacefully, he looks around his surroundings to see the Queens of the Monsters still sleeping before his eyes caught sight of the Carnotaurus Imp Titan who was slowly starting to wake up, she started to get up from the ground before she stretches out her arms and yawns quietly as to not wake up the others before seeing Doug walking over to her, she kneels down before she starts to pat his head with his tail wagging in appreciation like a happy dog.

Millie: Morning to you too Doug, (mind) man that felt good to sleep, but it would be nice that I can go somewhere for me to work on my fighting skills, and my tail, feels good to hit things with, but still though, where should I go?

Her thoughts were interrupted when she hears the sound of bushes quietly rustling which she stands up straight before looking around with her eyes narrowing while the Wererabbit Titan's eyes opens and gets up to her feet.

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