Titan Migration

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It has been at least three days since the Titans have went through a lot of things such as participating in the Klub Kaiju Tournament, facing against an enraged Chimera Titan, searching for Nala, fighting against a pack of Wart Dogs, and finding their own base which so happens to be Godzilla's ancestral home, during the past few days they showed their allies they know their base which really amazes them of the ancestral home of the King of the Monsters, Nala returned to the Pride Lands and reunited with her daughter as she and Kovu were very much happy to see her home again, although they would now have to get use to her new form, but as long as Nala was in the Pride Lands protecting the kingdom, then they won't have to worry about any rouge Titans invading the Pride Lands, the Titans have relentlessly been keeping their world safe from any rouge Titans that are possibly lurking around, the Legion of Titans met up with the Justice League and told them about their new base as they as well as their allies are welcome to visit anytime they want, Celestia came to visit them and was very much impressed with the Gojira's ancestral home and the amount of Titans she has seen since last time, and Yen Sid told the King of the Monsters that he, Master Eon, and Mothra were the ones to bring his destroyed home back and hidden it safely underneath the Roman Colosseum.

As of right now the Titans as well as Doug were currently asleep in the King of the Monster's ancestral home as they have had a long day of patrolling the new world, luckily for the Titans they have not encountered any rouge Titans or any Wart Dogs, and now they were sleeping peacefully without nothing interrupting them, but tonight, something unexpected is about to happen to the Gojira and the Queens of the Monsters, a bright yellow light appears above them which surprisingly doesn't wake them up from the light, as the light continues to glow yellow powder-like substance falls from the light before landing on the Gojira and the Queens of the Monsters before their bodies slowly started to absorb the substance.

??????: It is done, once you and your Queens awake from your slumber, your power to create more Titans will be more powerful than you could ever imagine, farewell my friend.

The light above the Titans and Doug starts to disappear leaving nothing behind while the Legion of Titans continues to sleep peacefully not knowing that things were about to become more interesting for all of them, a few hours later go by as the sun slowly started to rise from over the horizon as a new day has begun, the first one to wake up from being asleep was the Greed Ring's Radioactive Shark who stretches out her arms and legs letting out a gentle yawn before getting up to her feet, she walks downstairs as she was ready to start her day of patrolling the Greed Ring, she was just about to enter the water before she sees something emerging from the water, to her shock and amazement it was a large white dragon with large tusks and fins on both sides of his body, arms, legs, both sides of his tail, and end of his tail.

The light above the Titans and Doug starts to disappear leaving nothing behind while the Legion of Titans continues to sleep peacefully not knowing that things were about to become more interesting for all of them, a few hours later go by as the s...

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Cleo: Holy crap, oh jesus, there's a fucking Bewilderbeast in here, uhhhhhh, one moment please.

Immediately she runs back up the stairs while the Bewilderbeast lifts his arms up and places them on the ground waiting patiently for the Titans, as he continues to wait he sees a portal opening up before he sees Spike, the Powerpuff Girls, Loona, Verosika's Succubi friends, the female Mutated To'kusters who were 10ft in height, and the Skrill walking out of the portal which shuts behind them before noticing the large white dragon.

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