Titans of the Night

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It has been many hours since the Ion Dragons have been defeated by the hands of the Titans and their allies, as well as meeting the Fire Demon who is from the same world where the King of the Monsters and the Titans are from, but while they were currently staying in Castle Dimitrescu for the night, somewhere in Gotham in a hidden place where innocent people have no idea where it is, was the lair of Batman, the member of the Justice League was currently looking through his computer about anything important about the Titans, true he and his allies knew that the Legion of Titans are seen as not only as their allies, but also a powerful group of heroes to fight against Bagan's henchmen and army, he has been wondering what kind of strength and abilities they have within them, he knew that they are able to transform their allies into the very thing he has seen, but he was very curious of what their powerful abilities are, as he continues to look for anything important he hears the sound of footsteps behind him which he turns his head to see the Portal Master coming out of a open portal which shuts behind him before Batman stands up to his feet.

Batman: Master Eon (shakes Eon's hand), good to see you again.

Eon: Indeed my friend, forgive me for dropping by unannounced.

Batman: It's alright, but what exactly brings you here?

Eon: Well Batman, it is actually a very simple reason, I have come here to give you (takes out usb stick) this.

Batman: A usb stick, what is so important about it?

Eon: Why don't you see for yourself, you'll understand why it is important.

Batman was confused about what the Portal Master meant before he goes over to the computer and plugs the usb in it before seeing something appearing on the screen which shocks him, from what he was seeing was the members of the Legion of Titans as well as the new Titans and the Fire Demon, but that wasn't the only thing he was seeing, he was also seeing their information of their true size as well as their history, strength, abilities, and their elements given that they are also Titan Skylanders with Rodan being a Fire Titan Skylander.

Batman: Incredible.

Eon: Yes, incredible indeed Batman, the usb stick that you now have in your possession cannot be hacked, but it does have a special effect that it can immediately update once a new Titan is made, and from the looks of it, it appears that they are becoming stronger the more Titans they acquire.

Batman: It looks like it, thank you for showing me this Master Eon, the Justice League and the other heroes will be impressed about this new information.

Eon: I'm sure they will enjoy the news my friend, but now I must return to Skylanders Academy to check if everything is alright there, but know this Batman, if any of your friends or former enemies are turned into powerful Titans just like the others, then they will join them as new members of the Legion of Titans.

Batman nods his head in understanding before a portal opens up behind the Portal Master who proceeds to walk through the portal which shuts behind him leaving Batman as the only person in his lair, he turns back towards the computer before he starts to read the information of the Titans, meanwhile back in Castle Dimitrescu the Titans and their allies were currently getting ready to sleep for the night with Susan outside Castle Dimitrescu given of her large size, however the King of the Monsters was still thinking about the cowgirl Imp that he has seen hours ago, he knew he was going to see her again when she and her Hellhorse encounters him, he puts his thoughts aside for now before he sees the Radioactive Feline Titan looking out the window before he walks over to her with Gotham's Radioactive Feline noticing his presence before she starts to nuzzle the Gojira.

Catwoman: Doing alright handsome?

Godzilla: Yes, but you were looking out the window, is there something you have in mind?

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