Titans in Hell

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It has been an hour since the King of the Monsters and the centaur has faced off against Twilight who was now a Titan, we see the group exiting out of Flurry Heart's bedroom with both of the Titans ducking their heads and exiting out of the room, although Twilight was familiar with walking on two legs like a human, she would now have to be careful due to her new size and tail, her tail accidentally hits a vase which breaks causing the group to see the broken furniture with Twilight rubbing her arm and having a apologetic look on her face.

Twilight: Sorry about that, I'm still getting use to this tail, it's still new to me.

Godzilla: It is alright, It will take you some time for you to master your tail, just try to be cautious of your surroundings.

Shining Armour: we'll have someone get that clean up, we'll get a new vase later, right now we just have to take you to the train station so you can head back to Ponyville.

Twilight: Right, (sighs) my friends are going to freak out once they see me as a Titan, even Spike, he's probably going to see me as his mother or something, (Tirek chuckles) what's so funny?

Tirek: Sorry, it's just that it actually makes sense, I mean don't get me wrong, you are a dragon now after all, and he is your adopted little brother, you see where I'm getting at.

Octavia: (Chuckles) Oh my god, I can totally see that, but I think he'll be jealous of you shooting lightning out of your mouth, hands, wings, and those other cool abilities you got.

Twilight: Yeah, it still feels weird to be a dragon of all things, it would've been weirder if I became a crocodile, or even a snake, tiger, or a lion, but a dragon, that I was not ready for.

Celestia: We were all not ready for it, but now we know what Mothra wants, she wants this world to be protected by the Titans.

Yen Sid: Indeed, even though the Titans of Tartarus are still locked away, the Titans with us will keep that balance safe.

Godzilla: Indeed, but now I know what I must do, start a new generation of Titans, and Twilight was the first one to become a Titan, we must be ready for those who wish to become a Titan.

Yen Sid: Indeed, but there is three more things you should know my friend, the first thing you need to know is that you have the ability to become large in size like you were once before, that includes Twilight and many Titans that will rise in the future, secondly, you can only make Titans that are females like Princess Twilight, and finally, this is something Mothra wanted for you and the next generation of Titans you will make, considering that you are a King, once they become a Titan, they are immediately seen as a Queen.

Fluttershy: A Queen, becoming a Titan is one thing, but a Queen, that is just insane.

Godzilla: Insane as you say, but this is what Mothra wants, and that is something I will promise her, even if it takes me a million years, I will do what she wants for this world's protection.

Twilight: Yeah, this is what your friend wants and if you're going to be our world's greatest protector, then so am I.

Yen Sid: Well said you two, now it is time for me to depart, we will meet again Gojira, may Mothra watch over all of you.

He then uses his magic to disappear from their view which impresses the Titan King before they proceed to continue their way to their location, which being the train station for them to return home, they all get outside only to see the kingdom back to normal with the crystal buildings restored and a huge crowd of ponies cheering for them, the mighty Titan never thought a crowd would cheer for him, the humans in his world would run away in fear from his presence, but now the citizens of the Crystal Empire were cheering for him and his allies, Tirek was also amazed to be seen as a hero instead of a villain, the crowd eventually let's them through before they get to the train station where they see a train waiting for them with large railroad cars covered in crystals big enough for the Titans to fit in.

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