Titans of Romania

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Many hours have passed since the Titans and their allies have completed their journey to the Nesting Grounds together as it was now night time, during their time at the Nesting Grounds they have mostly been having conversations while both Radioactive Hellhound Titan and Unicorn Titan were practising their new abilities, the Winged Beast Titan was taught how to fly by the Chimera Titan and the Hellhound Dragon Titan as well as being taught how to use her electrical abilities by the Lightning Dragon Titan, the Three Headed Dragon Titan has mostly been swimming underwater in the large lake with the King of the Monsters and the other Titans that are able to breathe underwater, and Yen Sid has left them an hour ago so that they can get some sleep, but as of right now everyone was still asleep on the ground under the moonlight with Doug sleeping on the Bewilderbeast's tail, but there was one person, or specifically a Titan who was still awake, the Wererabbit Titan was still awake as she was casually staring at the stars in peace with a smile on her face, she felt the wind gently blow her face as she simply felt a gentle breeze, she was just about to go to sleep only for her ears to perk up as she hears something, she gets up to her feet before she walks towards the entrance of the cave before seeing the Portal Master coming out of the cave which she kneels down and bows her head in respect of his presence.

Alice: Master Eon, what brings you here to the Nesting Grounds?

Eon: Well my dear, I have seen on the portrait that you are making great progress of your team, and I am proud that the Magic Titan Skylanders is starting to increase.

Alice: Yes, but we still need to work on the Tech Element, considering both Mechagodzilla and Fizzy are the only ones in this team.

Eon: That is very true Mrs Kingsleigh, but now to important matters, I have a mission for you to complete.

Alice: Alright, what is the mission?

Eon: I need you to go to Romania where Mother Miranda wishes for you to recruit new Titans so that her home will be protected from the rouge Titans and possibly the Wart Dogs that your allies have encountered three nights ago.

Alice: Recruit new Titans, I suppose this mission will do just fine for me, do I at least bring some of my friends with me?

Eon: I'm afraid not Alice, but, a few of the Skylanders of the Undead Element will be waiting for you in Romania, one of them in particular is your friend Roller Brawl, the others you will see once you get to Romania.

Alice: Alright, I am rea-

The Wererabbit Titan gets cut off as she felt her tail being pulled which they both turn to see Doug holding her tail with his mouth and his tail wagging playfully and Keenie next to him, he let goes of her tail before he walks next to Alice before climbing up to her back and holds on tightly and Keenie flying next to her before landing on top of her head which clearly shows the duo that they want to join the mission.

Eon: (Chuckles) It appears your allies wishes to join you.

Keenie: Yeah, you're not going anywhere without us.

Alice: It looks to be that way, well guys, we got a job to do.

They both nod their heads before a portal opens up behind the Portal Master who steps aside and nods his head towards the Wererabbit of Wonderland, she runs through the portal with Doug holding on to her back and Keenie holding on to her ears while the portal shuts behind them before Doug climbs down her back before getting to the ground and Keenie flying off her head and landing on the ground, they look ahead to see a familiar destroyed village as they knew they were in the right place before they walk towards the village, they walk through the village looking around for their allies or potentially Mother Miranda before Alice's ears perks up as she hears footsteps approaching from around the corner, she was just about to get defensive before seeing Roller Brawl as well as a male Undead Elf wielding a spear in his left hand and riding on a Skeletal Ostrich, a female Undead Elf, and a Skeletal Dog with the Vampire.

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