Mysterious Enemy

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While Ramarak's unconscious body is being taken to Skylanders Academy for him to recover from Bagan's deadly attack, the Portal Master was in his study room currently updating the Book of Skylanders with his magic since the Titans are a new team of Skylanders, true he knew that Fryno was going to Hell to visit the Titans that are with Godzilla right now, but it was because of a certain Cyber Imp Titan appearing on the portrait of the Titan Skylanders, and he could already guess that there are possibly more Titans appearing on the portrait right about now, he gets up from his chair before he proceeds to walk out of the study room and starts to walk to another room, which so happens to be the Hall of Skylanders, he enters the room before he walks down the hallway passing by many of the statues of different Skylanders he very much knows all too well, he walks towards the portraits of the Skylanders before seeing something on the Titans portrait, a all too familiar face that only the Titans know, Ramarak.

Eon: Well, this is a surprise, it appears one of Bagan's henchmen is now a Titan Skylander, but I wonder why, very strange indeed, hmmmm.

????: Master Eon.

The Portal Master hears a familiar voice behind him before he turns around to see the Plant Dragon Hybrid walking towards him with a look of curiosity before seeing the portrait of the Titan Skylanders and focusing his attention back towards Master Eon.

Eon: Yes Camo, what can I do for you?

Camo: Godzilla as well as the Titans and allies have arrived, and they brought one of their enemies who appeared to be injured, they're in one of the chambers right now.

Eon: Ramarak, take me to them at once.

Camo nods his head before he proceeds to lead Master Eon to the group's location not only hoping to learn more about Ramarak, but to also learn about what has happened to the Alpha Cranium Reptant, meanwhile in one of the chambers the group as well as Boom Bloom and Whirlwind were looking at Ramarak who was resting on a bed with concern as he was still unconscious from being brutally attacked by Bagan.

Boom Bloom: Poor Ramarak, I can't believe he tried to kill him just because he let Missi Zilla win the tournament.

Verosika: Yeah, that basterd is going to get it when I see him in person.

Missi Zilla: Do you really want to end up as a body bag, just like how Millie was almost killed today.

Whirlwind: What?

Millie: (Sighs) Fluttershy was pissed off when Ramarak was present in Klub Kaiju, during the tournament Fluttershy started to become more aggressive towards us, and during one of the matches she kept on punching me until I was unconscious.

Asmodia: Jesus, so what do we do now?

Godzilla: We wait until Ramarak awakes, but as of right now, I wish to speak with Liza, come with me.

The Gojira proceeds to walk away from the group with Liza following close behind him, they walk out of the chamber before they get outside to see no one in their view which they knew that they are now alone.

Liza: Well, this looks like a good place to talk, so what did you want to talk about?

Godzilla: I believe it is time for you to join us, given of your skills you prove to be worthy of becoming one of us.

Liza: Well, this is something I am going to enjoy, alright then, do your thing.

The King of the Monsters nods his head before he proceeds to charge up his Atomic Breath with his eyes and dorsal fins pulsing in atomic energy, he shoots out his Atomic Breath towards her which makes contact to Liza's chest before she starts to get surrounded by a bright aura with her transformation starting to take effect, her entire body slowly started to grow bigger with her clothes ripping off her body, her tail slowly started to grow longer and muscular and becoming more whip-like, her toe claws started to grow longer and sharper, her claws started to grow longer and sharper, her tits and womanhood started to get covered by her scales, her teeth slowly started to become sharper with sharp fangs sticking out of her upper jaw and lower jaw, appearing on both sides of her neck were four gills, her arms, legs, and body slowly started to become bulkier, appearing on her arms, legs, body, and tail were dark green stripes, sprouting out of her elbows, hind legs, and arms were large and sharp tan spikes, sprouting out above her eyes were large and sharp tan horns facing forward, and sprouting out of the top of her nose trailing down to the end of her tail were sharp tan spikes while her growing size stops at 17ft and her transformation coming to an end, the Horned Lizard Titan let's out a loud roar while her aura disappears from view revealing her Titan form to the King of the Monsters, he looks above her head to see the symbol of the Water Element which shows him that Liza has become a Water Titan Skylander.

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