Christina's POV:
I got up very early. I had nightmares about my family. I was bathed in sweat and I felt sick. I dressed and checked the time. 4:37am. I checked the floors. Eric and Ellen were still sleeping. I went to the bathroom and got ready. I looked so pale. I didn't eat something and wrote a note for Ellen.
"Good Morning Ellen, thank you for everything. I'll fight for my family and my friends. I won't give up." -Christina
I packed my bag and left the house. Nobody was on the street. The street was empty. Well, it was 5:15am. I checked the bus plan. The first bus came at 5:55am. So, I waited and took my phone. No messages... No one cared about me anymore... I felt so empty. It broke my heart more than Nick. I did never think that something could hit me more than Nick.
Right today started my challenge for my Mom. I took a notebook and a pen. I wrote:
"21 days.
Day 1:
I feel so empty right now... Nick left me and my family and my friends are angry. They don't trust me anymore. I'm afraid of..." the Bus cut my writing session off. I lost a tear and it landed on my notebook page. I quickly put my book and my pen away, stood up and went into the bus. I fell asleep.
"Hey! Lady! You! Get up! We arrivedthe last station." I woke up and looked into the drivers face. He looked a bit angry and I got scared when I realized that he was mad.
"Wahh." I screamed quietly.
"Get up! Now!" he continued screaming and jumped up. He pushed me out of the bus.
Omg, where was I? How late was it?? I took my phone. What?? It was already 10am? I went to the bus plan and spotted the street name.
"Michigane Lane" I read and got cunfused. I did never hear something of this street and the next bus was coming... in 2 hours? So, I walked along a little sidewalk to a park. I sat on a bench and took my notebook and my pen again. I continued writing:
"I feel so empty right now... Nick left me and my family and my friends are angry. They don't trust me anymore. I'm afraid of going back. I hurt my sisters, my brothers and especially my parents... There's a strong ache inside of my heart. My friends were there for me when no one else was and what did I give them back? I left them alone with their pain.. I know everything got wrong and I'm gonna fight for my family and my friends."
I picked my necklace. I got the necklace from Nick. I put it into a little box. The necklace should remember me. Family is more than everything for Nick.
Today's challange should bring my friends back. I'll apologize for everything. I wanted to go to one of my old friends and I was going to apologize. I hoped she will listen. I sat there for the next 2 hours and figured out how she's gonna react... I got hungry and went to the bus. I looked into a windowpane and realized that I was really pale. Well, I didn't eat since yesterday morning... The bus drove into a city where my Friend Rachel lived. She will be the first. I was afraid but I went to her house. When I starred at the doorbell, I panicked and twitched away. I was going to leave but I thought about it? Will I fail on the first day? No. I won't give up. I stood there, still starring on the doorbell.
"Hello? What are you doing here? Can I help you?" a girl yelled from somewhere. Oh my god, it was Rachel. She stood on the gardendoor on the right. I looked away for a moment and took a deep breath.
"Oh wait, is that you Christina?!" Rachel's voice changed. She sounded angry. I moved my head and looked into her face. She looked so good. Her hair was curly and long. I gave her a worried look.
"Please... listen to me..." I said sadly. She came up to me and pointed to the stairs. I sat down and she sat next to me.
"Why Christina?! You didn't need me, so, I don't need you anymore too!" she hissed at me.
"Please.. listen to me.. So, I left, because I was blinded by love. Nick was everything for me. I got bad thoughts about my friends and my family.. Time after time, I felt soooo bad. I missed my family and my friends, but I was afraid of everything... I knew they would react like you. I can understand you and I'm totally okay with it. You have the right to be angry. Nick cancelled on me yesterday and he showed me that I made a big mistake and I lost him, because of this mistake. I got such a bad feeling. You need to know, I'm not here, because of Nick. I'm here, because I realized that I made a big mistake and I want my life back. With... or WITHOUT Nick." I tried to explain and to apologize. I started crying.
"Christina, stop crying. Are you serious? You said, with or without Nick. Are you serious??" Rachel asked worried, because she knew Nick was everything for me and I left for him.
"Yes Rachel, he showed me that family and friends are the most amazing gift. And I thought he's my most amzing gift. My most amazing gift told me that I made a mistake and it gave me to think and I realized what I did wrong." I told her carefully. She was thinking. We sat there in silence for nearly 10 minutes. Nobody said something. At least, Rachel came closer and hugged me tight.
"Thank you for coming back Christina. Welcome back." she whispered in my ear. She realized that I got really pale and I held my hand in the front of my forehead. I closed my eyes.
"Are you okay Chris??" she asked worried.
"It's nothing.. It's just, because I didn't eat since about one day.." I told her.
"Come in Christina. You need to eat... and then you tell me what you want to do now. Anyways, you were always a healthy person. It may not be good for you, if you don't eat." Rachel said and helped me to stand up. We walked in and everything looked like before. And there was a picture of me and her! While she fetched me something to eat, I grabbed the picture and starred at it. She came back with 2 sandwiches and a banana. Well, she knew me. She looked at me with wided eyes and put down the food, she brought with her.
"I kept it.. it was the high school ball... Jason cheated on me and you threw the punch on him. Remember?" she laughed.
"How could I forgot, omg... Mrs. Lambert 'grounded' me. I had to clean the whole gym with some other people." I said laughing.
She gave me the banana and I started eating. I told her about my "21 days" list and she smiled at me.She looked proud, not angry. It felt like she gave me a piece of my heart back. I lost my heart and now I'm collecting my heartpieces.
(a few hours later)
"Sleep here tonight." Rachel said with a low voice.
"Thank you..." I said and hugged her again.
I was still very worried, afraid and sad about my life. I knew Rachel was the beginning of a hard challenge, which standed before.
Hey! I know this Chapter is long, but I hope you like it ♥ vote and comment your thoughts :)

21 days
FanfictionChristina Cimorelli. She lost her family and her friends. Just for her boyfriend. She gave up. Now, she went into a fight with Nick. Nick left her and she realized the loneliness. She was afraid of going back. She didn't know how to act. She tried t...