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I was staring at my phone, unable to believe what I was seeing. He broke up with me? Over text? He couldn't even call? Tears burned in my eyes. I dialed his number, but it went directly to voicemail. Had he blocked my number? I tried texting him, but the message didn't go through. He had blocked me. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. My whole body started shaking. It felt as if he had ripped my heart out and stomped on it. How could he do something like that? We talked on the phone yesterday, and everything was normal. But after all, he was an actor. Was he just acting like everything was normal? Maybe he met a new girl in LA? One he could see every day. I started crying even harder. I tried dialing Kiawentiio, but she didn't pick up the phone either. At least it was ringing, so she didn't block me. I slowly walked to Sophie's room and knocked before walking in. "Hey, should I wear the black or the white - what's wrong?" she looked at me worried. "Dallas broke up with me," I whispered. Sophie pulled me into a hug immediately. Now I really couldn't stop sobbing. She gently pulled me towards the bed and sat me down, pulling me towards her chest. I buried my face in the crook of her neck, still bawling my eyes out. "Why?" she whispered. "I don't know," I sobbed, "he just sent a stupid text." "A text?" Sophie asked, shocked, and I nodded. "Oh, I'm going to kill this man," she whispered. "I wanted to tell him today that I got into that stupid college in LA, and now he did this to me," I cried. Sophie rocked me back and forth while rubbing my back. "Do you still want to go?" she asked gently. "Yes! I was so excited about going to college now that I've seen which courses I can take," I said. "Well then, screw Dallas, Cara. You're going to go there, and you're going to rock this. You don't need a stupid boy. You can do this by yourself!" she encouraged me. I sniffled. "But I think I really love him," I whispered. "Other mothers have pretty sons too. You're going to find another boy, don't worry. One that has the courage to talk to your face and won't break up over text with you," she said. I didn't tell her that I don't want another boy. Dallas was the only one I wanted, and now this happened. He didn't even explain why. "What if I run into him?" I asked, a little scared. I didn't know how I would react. "I don't know. Maybe you should hit him in the face or kick him in the balls. Something that hurts," she said. "I don't want to hurt him," I whispered, "I want him to be happy... even if it's without me." "Soon he will realize that he made a mistake. Believe me," Sophie said, "at least you did not sleep with him." I stayed silent. "You didn't, did you?" Sophie asked, gently pushing me away so she could look at me. I bit my lip. "Maybe I did. Multiple times," I said. "Why didn't you tell me?" Sophie yelled. "He was here for eight months! At one point one thing just led to the other! I thought you could expect it!" I said. "Was that why you started locking the door at one point?" she asked. "Sophie, do you have at least two brain cells? You couldn't make this connection on your own?" I asked. "Well, then he lost even more!" she finally said.


I stepped out of the plane, and warm air practically greeted me with a kick in the face. I took off my sweater and walked down the stairs to the bus, which was supposed to bring me and the other passengers to the airport. Everything went well. My luggage didn't get lost, I found a taxi right away, and I had a dorm to myself. Maybe LA wasn't as bad without Dallas as I thought. Maybe I could live here without him. Maybe I could. I just had to tell myself this as often as possible, and maybe I would start believing it. Maybe I could just forget him.

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