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"Just so this is clear, I'm still mad at you, and I actually don't want to talk to you," I said, handing Dallas a tissue so he could try to stop his nose bleeding. His white shirt was already full of blood, and he looked like he was coming from a murder scene.

"I can understand. I was a dick," he mumbled.

"Why?" I asked, looking out the window, so that he couldn't see the new tears already filling my eyes.

"What do you mean? Why I was a dick?" he asked. I could feel his eyes burning into my back.

"No... I mean yes, kind of... you never told me the reason why you broke up with me," I mumbled.

"I just... it's stupid and it was a mistake," he whispered.

"I want to know, Dallas. You owe me an explanation," I said. My lips were shaking so bad at that point that I was stumbling over my own words. But I still refused to cry.

"It's just... you always talked about how you want to travel the world and how you don't want to stay in one place... and then I moved back to LA and you were ready to throw it all away just for me. I thought if I broke things between us, you would follow your dream. But you are here," he said.

"It is my decision what I do, Dallas. I wanted to move here, I thought about it a lot. I can travel after college. It's not like there won't be an opportunity anymore," I said.

"I know," he whispered, "I was just so scared that I will ruin your future," he whispered.

"You did ruin my future. I feel like I can never be happy again," my voice was shaking now. Dallas gently placed his hand on my thigh.

"I- I didn't know that I hurt you so badly... I thought you will move on after some time," he said. I tried to ignore his hand, but as soon as his skin touched mine, it started to feel like a thousand ants were running over me.

"How could I move on if you didn't even give me an explanation? I thought you found someone new... I thought I did something wrong," I said, looking at him for the first time. His face had a sad and hurt look, and it was full of blood and tears. I didn't even notice he was crying.

"I'm really sorry, Cara. I was so stupid. Ever since I did this, I can't get over it. I regret it so much," he whispered.

"Well, it's done," I said and got out of the cab as it held in front of the ER. "Man, you messed up," I heard the driver tell before Dallas got out of the car as well.

"I missed you a lot. I hate not talking to you, and I hate not being able to see you whenever I want. I hate being without you," he mumbled, walking behind me.

"You know what the worst thing is?" I asked and stopped walking to turn around to him.

"I know I should be so damn mad at you, and I was. And I should continue to be mad at you, but my heart already started forgiving you. And I can't do anything against it." He looked me in the eyes, one hand still holding that blood-soaked tissue. "Will you give me a second chance?" he asked, a pleading look on his face.

"I don't know if I can," I mumbled, "I cannot do this a second time, Dallas. If you do something like this again, I will be broken for real."

"I won't. I lived without you for long enough to know that this is not what I want. I want to be with you. I really want to. I realized that I can't be happy without you. I love you, Cara, I really do," he said.

"I love you too, Dallas. That's the problem," I whispered.

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