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"I don't really feel like clubbing," I said to my new friends, Sarah and Jason.

"Come on! You just turned 21! We need to go!" Sarah insisted.

"Jason, can you help me?" I asked, turning to the blond boy who was sitting on his phone.

"I'd like to go clubbing," he finally said.

I sighed. "Traitor. Fine. We can go, but only for a few hours. I have classes tomorrow," I said.

Sarah grinned. "I'm going to get ready," she said, leaving my room. Jason and I were alone now. I liked Jason; he was a really nice boy, but I think he liked me more than he should. I tried to feel something for him, I really did, but every time Jason took my hand or slung an arm around me, my thoughts drifted to Dallas. I still haven't heard from him. And I also did not hear from Kiawentiio or Ian. They all ghosted me.

"What should I wear?" I asked Jason, opening my closet.

"You look good in everything," he said, standing next to me.

I pressed my lips together. Here we go again. I just couldn't keep up with the flirting.

"What about this dress? It would look pretty on you," he suggested, pulling out a short summer dress with flowers on it. My heart stopped beating. It was the dress I wore on my first date with Dallas.

"I'm not wearing this," I mumbled, hanging it back into the closet.

Jason sighed and sat down on my bed. "I don't know what to do anymore," he finally said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, pulling out a different dress and holding it in front of me while looking in the mirror.

"Why do you keep pushing me away?" he finally asked.

"I'm not pushing you away," I simply said, hanging the dress back into the closet and pulling out a new one.

"Yes, you are. For months now. Every attempt I make to get closer to you, you just won't accept," he said.

"I don't think we are looking for the same thing," I said, turning towards him.

"Why? You like me, don't you?" he asked, standing back up and walking towards me. He gently placed his hands on my hips. It made me kind of uncomfortable, so I placed my hands on his and gently pushed them away.

"Not like this, Jason," I whispered.

"But why?" he asked, "do you have a secret boyfriend at home?"

I sighed. "No. But... I'm not really over my Ex. It's complicated. I just... I need time," I said.

Jason smiled a little, showing me his straight white teeth. "I can wait," he finally said. Nice. Now I also had time pressure to get over Dallas.


I was gently moving to the music, the beat so loud I couldn't hear anything else. "I'm gonna get drinks," I yelled in Sarah's ear. She showed me thumbs up, and I turned around to go to the bar. I finally decided to wear a short black dress, that was backless. It was very revealing, but I felt like it today. It was my birthday after all. I pushed through the people standing on the dance floor, when suddenly I felt something cold on my back. Someone had spilled his drink over me.

"I'm really sorry!" the guy yelled.

I turned around, and my heart stopped. His hair was long now, and he was wearing it in a mullet. His brown eyes were exactly like I remembered them, no they were even prettier. He was even more beautiful than I remembered. "Cara?" he asked, shocked.

Why does he keep spilling drinks over me? Is this like his thing? Suddenly all the anger I couldn't feel the last months was running through me. "I don't want to see you!" I yelled, turning around and heading straight for the exit. He might have said something, but I couldn't hear him. All I knew was that I needed to get away from him as quickly as possible. I pushed outside and took a deep breath. Tears were already burning in my eyes, but I held them back. I am not going to ruin my makeup because of him.

"Cara please wait!" I heard his voice as he came out shortly after me.

Why does he do that? Why is he coming after me? He can't break up with me and then run after me! I didn't turn around. "Please Cara!" he pleaded. He grabbed my wrist to hold me, but I quickly pulled it away. I turned around angrily. "No! Don't touch me Dallas!" I snapped. He took a step back. "Please... let me explain," he whispered.

"Explain? What exactly do you want to explain? Why you broke up with me over text? Or why you ghosted me? Or why not even Kiawentiio and Ian are talking to me? God, even Gordon blocked me!" I yelled at him. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. "I'm sorry," he finally said.

"I'm sorry won't cut it," I said. He was now crying too and he wanted to say something when Jason came out of the club. "Cara?" he asked, then he saw that I was crying. He ran to me and pulled an arm around me. I pushed him away. "Jason that is not the right time. Please don't do that," I said. He looked at Dallas. "Did he do something to you?" he asked, putting his arm around me again. I tried to push him away again, but he just held me.

"Dude, did you not listen? She doesn't want you to touch her," Dallas spat at Jason. "And who are you to judge?" Jason said, finally pulling his arm away from me and taking a step towards Dallas. "I know her! She's uncomfortable with you!" Dallas said. They were now standing only a few inches apart. "Well I'm her boyfriend so piss off," Jason snapped.

"You're not my boyfriend!" I yelled, trying to pull him away. Dallas balled his hands to fists. I knew that if they started a fight, Jason wouldn't have a chance. "Jason stop!" I said again, but it was too late. Jason had swung his fist directly into Dallas' face.

"Dallas!" I screamed, but Dallas pushed Jason away from him with such force that Jason fell to the ground. I quickly went to Dallas and looked at his face. "Are you serious, Cara? You're looking after him?" Jason yelled as he stood up. "Jason, you should go. You started this," I said calmly.

Sarah came out of the club now. "Oh my god, what is happening?" she asked.

"Jason punched my Ex-Boyfriend," I simply said. It hurt being so close to Dallas, but he was bleeding from the nose pretty bad. "I think he broke your nose," I mumbled, "I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I deserve it," he mumbled. "Wait, this is the guy you are still crying about?" Jason yelled.

"Sarah, get him away from here! I don't want to see him. I'm taking you to the ER," I said and walked towards a taxi that waited on the side of the street, Dallas right behind me.

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