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"It's almost four in the morning," I giggled. My head was on Dallas's chest, and we were watching the stars. He gently rubbed my back and pulled me closer.

"But I don't want this night to end," he mumbled. His free hand grabbed a strand of my hair and started playing with it.

"I know. But I'm tired," I simply said and closed my eyes for a moment.

"You can sleep here. I will stay awake," he said. I shook my head.

"I know that it will take two seconds for you to fall asleep as soon as I do. And then someone will find us and steal all our things," I laughed.

He hummed and pulled me on top of him. "But we're all alone up here," he whispered.

"Yeah, but I guess soon the first people will be here to see the sunrise again," I smiled. Our noses were touching. I gently cupped his face.

"But they will be on the other side of the hill," Dallas pouted. I laughed.

"I'm not sleeping here," I said and pressed a short kiss on his lips. Well, I wanted to make it short, but he deepened it while putting his hands on my hips. My whole body felt like I just got an electric shock. He pulled away after a while.

"Fine, let's go. I'll bring you home," he said with kind of a sad undertone in his voice. I stood up slowly and helped him put the blankets back into the bag he brought them in.

"Maybe we can see each other tomorrow... or more like today," I suggested.

"Do you have classes again tomorrow?" he asked and took my hand in his. It still fit perfectly. I shook my head.

"No, I'm free. But now I gotta sleep in," I said and smiled to myself a little. Dallas seemed to think about something.

"I know you want to take things slow again... but maybe you want to stay with me at my place?" he suggested. I looked up at him. I really didn't want to leave him tonight. I forgot all my plans about making it hard for him to get me back. I just got so soft when he is around. I can't say no to him.

"Okay," I finally said, "but we are going to sleep as soon as we get to your place." Dallas started smiling, and I felt happy for the first time in months.


I woke up the next morning as the sun shined in my face. I tried to move, but someone was holding me so close that I could only wiggle like a little worm. I sighed as I remembered last night and snuggled more against Dallas's chest.

"I'm not letting you go," he whispered, and his grip got even tighter.

"I don't want you to let me go," I simply answered. My phone rang on the nightstand.

"Maybe you should let go of me enough so I can grab my phone," I laughed. He loosened his grip enough so I could turn around and grab my phone, only to pull me close again, so my back was against his chest. Sarah was calling. I sighed. Did I really want to take this call? I decided to just get over it, so I picked it up.

"Hey," I said.

"Where the hell are you, Cara? And don't tell me you're with him!" she said. She sounded pissed.

"But I am," I answered, already annoyed. What was her problem?

"You're not serious. I called a hundred times because you did not come home yesterday just to find out you're with him!" she protested.

I rolled my eyes. "Get over it, Sarah," I just said.

"How naive can you be? And are you seriously doing this to Jason?" she asked.

"First of all, I'm not naive. You don't even know him. Second of all, what exactly am I doing to Jason? We weren't a thing," I said annoyed.

"You know exactly that he has a crush on you!" Sarah said.

"Well, he shouldn't have punched the boy I still have feelings for in the face then. That pretty much ruined the very, very small chance that he ever had," I said.

"Oh, come on, he never had a chance," Sarah said, annoyed herself, "you played him. I thought you were better than that."

"I played him? You weren't there, but I told him on the day the incident happened that I don't like him like that. He went out telling people he was my boyfriend, which wasn't true!" I said.

Dallas pressed sweet kisses on my neck, which caused me to relax a little bit. "He was just protecting you," Sarah said.

"You know what, Sarah? If you like Jason so much, maybe you should date him yourself. This boy seriously needs some anger management," I said to her and hung up the phone. I scoffed.

"She's unbelievable," I mumbled towards Dallas. His hand was gently stroking my side.

"She probably just worries," he mumbled.

"Why would she do that? I made it clear that Jason and I weren't a thing. I wasn't over you yet!" I protected myself.

"I hurt you pretty badly. If I was your friend, I would hate my guts too. I mean, I do hate myself for what I did, but I'm too selfish to stay away from you," he whispered in my ear. I turned around in his arms to look at him.

"Don't do that," I whispered.

"What exactly?" he asked.

"Being so hard on yourself. I mean, yes, that was a dick move, but I understand where you were coming from, now that I think about it. You were just looking out for me. In a very, very, very stupid way, but you did," I whispered.

"Still, I don't deserve you. You shouldn't have given me a second chance," he whispered and stroked my cheek gently.

"Maybe I shouldn't. But I might be selfish too. I can only be happy with you, and I badly want to be with you. So bad that I don't care what you did anymore, as long as you treat me right from now on," I whispered, melting into his touch.

"I will never mistreat you again," he mumbled.

"I believe you," I answered and closed my eyes to feel his fingertips trace me. My heart started racing under his touch, and it exploded when I felt his sweet lips pressing hungrily against mine.

Coffee Boy (Dallas Liu FF)Where stories live. Discover now