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I groaned in pain as the pounding in my head slowly woke me up from sleep. "Well, good morning sunshine," Dallas said next to me. I opened my eyes in confusion. "What are you doing in my bed?" I asked, bewildered. "Oh, you practically begged me to stay yesterday," Dallas said, grinning. The memories of last night slowly came back to me. At least I didn't have a blackout. I buried my face in my pillow so he couldn't see how uncomfortable the situation was for me right now. "Well, you can leave me now, if you want to," I mumbled. He laughed. "Nah, you're actually kind of cute when you're drunk," he said. "Well, that's sad because I'm never touching alcohol again. I feel like the Devil messed with me," I muttered into the pillow. I felt Dallas get up and put on the cap he had worn the night before. "I'll get you a painkiller, and then you should eat something," he said, leaving my room. "In the left cupboard!" I called after him. Shortly after, he returned with a pill and a glass of water. "You know if Sophie got home?" I asked as I swallowed the pill and snuggled back into the pillow. Dallas lay back down beside me and pulled me close to him. "Came back an hour ago. Looked inside your room, saw me, and freaked out, but now she's passed out in the living room," Dallas replied, grinning. I cuddled up to him. "Thanks for helping me, by the way," I murmured softly. Dallas ran his fingers through my hair repeatedly. "It's okay. I will always help you," he replied. "No, really. I know a lot of people that I'm sure if I called them, I wouldn't be home right now in this stupid pajamas," I muttered. "I would do literally anything to keep you safe, Cara," Dallas said. I sighed softly and closed my eyes again. With the sound of Dallas's steady heartbeat, I almost fell asleep again, but I forced myself to stay awake. "I should probably go and take a shower," I said softly. "I can make you breakfast," he replied. I chuckled. "This is my apartment. I should make breakfast for you, and not the other way around," I said amusedly, reluctantly getting up. Standing up made the headache even worse than lying down. "But I didn't make the decision to get blackout drunk yesterday, so I'm making breakfast," he said amusedly. "I wasn't blackout drunk! I know everything!" I replied. I opened the top drawer of my closet when a memory hit me. My face turned bright red. Dallas looked inside it too. Quickly, I grabbed new underwear and finally a pair of sweatpants and Dallas's hoodie, which I still hadn't returned to him. "Be right back," I said and disappeared into the bathroom.

After the shower, I felt much better, and when I finally left the bathroom, the smell of fried eggs and bacon immediately hit my nose. Sophie squeezed past me into the bathroom. "You alright?" I asked amusingly. "Yeah. How come my one-night stand sends me home right away, but yours makes you breakfast?" she grumbled. "That's because he's a friend and not a one-night stand," I replied, pushing my wet hair out of my face. "So you didn't...?" she started, but I immediately interrupted her. "No! I was drunk, and he apparently respects women." "I wish I could be that lucky. I'm gonna take a shower now. Maybe your husband can make me some eggs too," Sophie grumbled and finally closed the door in my face. I chuckled and walked into the kitchen, where Dallas was already setting up three plates of breakfast. "Sophie just asked me if you are making some for her too," I said amusedly and sat down at the table. "Yeah, but I'm afraid it's going to be cold by the time she joins us," Dallas said, sitting down across from me after placing the plate in front of me. I cautiously took a bite to test if my stomach agreed with it. Since the bathroom was currently occupied, I didn't want to risk having to throw up. But I didn't feel sick, so I ate the whole plate and felt even better afterwards. "Do you have to go to set today?" I asked, propping myself up on my elbows. Dallas shook his head. "No. I'm free today. You can have me all to yourself today, if you want," he said amusedly. I smiled. "Wanna watch Avatar?" I asked, grinning. "Duh?" he replied simply. Sophie walked into the kitchen just as we got up. "I can't believe it. Dallas can stay over more often? I'm tired of cereal for breakfast," she said, looking excitedly at the plate Dallas had prepared for her. Dallas chuckled. "If Cara wants me to," he replied, smiling. "You need something else?" I asked Sophie amusedly. She shook her head. "Nah. I'm good. I'm gonna head out to the store after breakfast. Need something?" she replied. I shook my head and disappeared back into my room with Dallas

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