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"You can't be serious," Sophie said to me.

"I am. And don't start talking about that I'm making a mistake. You should have seen him. He meant it," I answered.

Sophie sighed. "But Cara... what if he decides that you need to move on again in a few months?" she asked.

"He said it was a mistake and that he's not doing that again," I simply said.

"And you believe him?" Sophie asked skeptically.

"I do, yes," I mumbled.

"Well, I guess I'm fine with it. But if he steps out of line just a little bit again, I'm flying in, and I will most definitely kill him. I mean it. He will be a dead man," she said.

I laughed quietly. "I can live with that."

"What are you doing?" Sophie asked curiously.

"I don't know. He will pick me up. But it's not like a date. I told him we can be just friends," I explained.

"It's most definitely a date. Do not lie to me," Sophie said.

"Well, maybe it is, but he doesn't have to know," I simply said. I put her on speaker and started packing my purse. "That's not how dates work, girl," Sophie laughed. My phone vibrated.

I'm here

"He's here, I have to go," I said before hanging up and walking out the door. I took the stairs down and stepped outside. He was standing there, hands in his pockets, looking at me. His nose looked much better because it wasn't swollen that much anymore, but it was a little blue now. He grinned at me. I couldn't help myself and smiled back, but I quickly remembered that I was supposed to be mad and stopped. He still pulled me into a hug. I really tried not to hug him back, but my body was on autopilot. I slung my arms around him and let him press me into his chest, inhaling his scent that I missed so much and closing my eyes. I missed him so badly it hurt. I wanted to stay like that forever, but I slowly pulled away again.

"So what did you plan?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"Did you take a trip to the Hollywood sign when you first came here?" he asked. I shook my head.

"Good. Because we're going to watch the sunset from there," he explained. I crossed my arms and decided to tease him. I wouldn't make it that easy for him.

"That's a bit too romantic, don't you think? Now that we're just friends," I simply said.

"Oh, come on. Don't be like that!" he pouted and took my hand to pull me to his car. I let him do it. I wanted him to do it. He held the car door open, and I got in. He got in shortly after and started to drive. The car ride was fun. And it was easy to let loose with him. We were singing a lot, and I laughed, like really laughed, a lot. It was almost as if we weren't apart at all. But the voice in my head always told me how he hurt me, and I just couldn't forget it.


He had brought some blankets, and we sat down on one of them. He slung another one around our shoulders. We were sitting close, and I had the urge to lay my head on his shoulder. I let loose a little on my just friends topic, so I just did it. He took that as an invite to put his arm around me and pull me closer, and I let him. It just felt like I was home.

"Dallas?" I whispered.

"Hmm?" he hummed, laying his head on top of mine.

"You really hurt me," I whispered and looked at the sun slowly going down. It was beautiful.

"I know. I'm sorry. I really am," he whispered and took my hand in his.

"Promise me that you will never do something like this to me again," my voice was shaking. I was scared of letting him back inside, but I just couldn't resist.

"I promise you that I will never do this again. It would break me even more," he whispered. His voice was shaking too.

"I love you, Cara," he said slowly lifting his head to look down at me.

"I love you too," I whispered and looked back at him. The sun disappeared from the sky. I missed that beautiful moment, but that was okay because I was looking at my personal sun.

"Can I have my second chance? I promise I won't do anything like that again," he whispered.

"Okay," I answered. I wanted this. I knew that I am not strong enough to keep away from him, and I was sad long enough. It was time to at least try to be happy again.

"Can I kiss you? Or do friends not do this?" he asked. His hand gently cupped my face, and his eyes wandered to my lips.

"Actually they don't. But if you don't kiss me, I will be mad," I whispered. He chuckled before putting his lips on mine. It felt like the first time. No, actually it felt better. Because now I knew what I could lose.


Well, hi. It's the first time I'm saying something and I don't really know how to start. Maybe with a simple Thank you? Thank you for reading this story and I really hope you like it! You can always leave comments for improvement (English is not my first language so maybe even mistakes in spelling or grammar) you can also comment if you just want to say something, I just really love reading comments.💀 Anyways, I just wanted to tell you'll how thankful I am AND if you are interested I also have a Zuko fan fiction going on, named 'follow me'. Also, I have like a ton of Stray Kids Fanfictions (Han, Bangchan, Felix and Lee Know, with more to come. My goal is it to write one for every member), so if you are into K-Pop and Stray Kids you can have a look at that too. It's called 'write you a song'. That's all from me! Thank you again and I really appreciate your support!
Love, Anni❤️

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