First Meeting

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(After 10 years ....)

Shan is now 15 yrs old and got admission to the best Royal academy (  it's 10 yr training for every Royalty children they should compulsory attend the Royal college where Everyone who is worthy it may be commoner or Royalty with exam for commer or with Royal blood Royalty have to attend here hiding their identity)

[ This school is Developed By Grand Emperor Sun 🌞 ....for Children to chose Right path without any decrimination and Love Happily in their life ...]

Before going to the Royal academy... Devil's and Angels decided to let their children spend time with each other in  summer  Vacation...that way they will grow closer to each other ...
Angels reach the Devil's castle...and enjoy the Afternoon tea .... Hisakaya asked where is Haki , she dreamed thaty haki will be like this and like that I want to see her ....( His is now 13 yrs old )
Devil's parents asked maid to bring the children....maid nodded and goes ..after some time she brought the children...when their is knock on Door both Hisakaya nd Shan heartbeat increases to see their fiances ... Door opened .!
Haki comes first and Devil's parents thought the idea to tease they asked Frist Hisakaya who is eager to meet her finance who is your girl ?
               Hisakaya was looking towards the Haki continuously both are them looking at each other like they are destined to be with each other she didn't heard what they said ahan pinched her and she said what ? ..they asked again who is your girl His ? She said confidently the one who is most beautiful in the world with calm face live river and little red like my favourite cherry the one with Black hair like ...vast sky that I want to look for eternity.....she is the one Inlove my Haki .... Everyone is shoked to see Hisakaya describe Haki and she found the right girl .... Mom's was smiling with satisfaction and father's also ...but didn't give answer....then asked Shan who is yours Shan checked her heartbeat who is calm not beating ...then she said the Girl with blue Blue Hair ... again Every parent smiled and said both of you are right ...we made right choice... (They think )
After that they said please spend some time with eachother....they goes towards Garden....His ( Hisakaya )and Haki are already into each other they are holding hands  already...Shan and Chloe talking about eachother hobbies shan feels dry and empty inside her heart and same goes for Chloe..that time Chloe got urgent call from her instructor so she excused for some time ...while Chloe gone ...Shan wondering around Garden and seen Red hair child she immediately recognised her that she is the one who is crying in Dirty cottage....her heart skipped beat ....just by her presence , sham pulled towards the Hari unconsciously ...but saw her from behind the tree ...that time Shan was cleaning the Garden and collecting the fruits ..that fall on the ground . At that time some workers come and destroyed her fruits and beat her Shan got furious and wanted to beat them but don't understand why and got hold her hand tight to control her Angel and watched again ....after some beating the workers leave Hari alone ....then Hari with bleeding from nose , forehead , hand and legs got up while trembling...wiped tears get near the stream to wash her face and wounded places ....After cleaning herself she got hungry but their nothing to eat she drank the stream water 💦 and sleep near the stream under the shade ...While shan watching everything and tears rolled down from her eyes she got heart ache while watching everything happening to the Hari  ..she run towards the kitchen got some food and comes near the Hari and healed her wounds and removed her hair from her face and saw works most beautiful view ....Shan is mesmerised by Hari's beauty she doesn't notice time ...when there is His voice she snapped from her zone ..and unconsciously kissed Hari and suddenly realised what has she done then ran towards his direction with guilty red face  that she has finance and she fell for random girl beauty and even kissed her ...After that time Shan did not come towards the Garden and spend time during daytime with family and Chloe, hisakaya and Haki but at night She remember Hari ...and can't get enough sleep...
        On the other hand Hari wakes up and sees the food beside her and all her wounds are now healed up Hari  thought Angel has come and healed her wounds and gave her food . At night Hari saw dream where their hs unknown power seeking her ...and calling her. .she gets their in her dream and absorbed by their power where she meets different people's.....Hari is now ( 10 yrs ) and Awaken a mystical power and fell into deep sleep .... Here Angels fand Devil's family time comes to end His is very sad that she will miss Haki and same goes for Haki. . Shan said bye to Chloe without any emotions and same goes for Chloe....then Shan run towards Garden by saying that she forgot something and will be right back ...mshana reached the place where Hari slept ...and search for Hari but not found ...then she left her chocolate 🍫 and some sweets under the tree ..then left with sad look ... family asked that you found you thing or not Shan said no  i haven't found it ... Devil's king said don't worry tell me i will bring you another one Shan said no there is only on thing in the world I don't know if i will get it or not 😔. Everyone was confused with the answer but didn't ask further ...then parting time comes and Angels Left and suddenly Devil's castle becomes silent...

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