Newspaper Girl

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We had a stick fight.

Haha, just kidding. Doris and I were on opposing teams, and she let me pick out four other players, while she did the same. The one left behind, some poor kid, was the referee.

With my tiny team of five we battled Doris like no other. She may have been a good athlete, maybe even better than Hal Jordan, but I didn't like loosing.

My determination became my weapon and I tried to become one with the pitch, but alas, after four years of inactivity, Doris kicked my ass and beat me by 5 points.

"Aww, sorry team, we tried our best," I said, high fiving everyone, and shaking hands with the opponents. 

"What?" a brunette girl, Valerie, jumped up, and brought me in a hug, "What do you mean 'sorry'? We've literally never come that close to beating Doris before! Let me tell you secret, Hal's only our male star player, but Doris is our best player overall!" 

"It's true," another person piped up, "They only call Jordan the star player because he's 'hot' or whatever, and he gets more people buying tickets,"

A blond guy also cut in, joining the conversation, "Yeah, for real, thought its a shame for Doris's temper though, I mean come on she's totally attractive too, she's just really mean, rude, scary-"

"Excuse me, nerd?" Doris had finally come towards us, after yelling at her team for not 'beating the other team with more points'.

"Nothing, Sorry!" Everyone else scampered away leaving me and Doris alone. "Urgh I hate that guy, too bad he's actually good. Can't get rid of that fucker."

I laughed, not knowing what to say. 

"Yeah anyway, Y/n what was that?" Doris asked.
Geez, blunt much?

"Sorry Doris, I know it wasn't great, but come on, I told you I haven't play-" I started, trying to reason with her.

"No, no, that's not what I'm trying to say. You're good Y/n. Really good. I thought you were going to be bad," She raised an eyebrow.

"Wha- Hey! I never said I was bad! I said I hadn't played for a while!" I said, playfully punching her arm, which I noticed was weirdly hard. Like a rock hard. Huh. "Besides I used to be the best player on my team, we nearly made it nationals, but by then I quit,"

"I see. Well I wont let you take Hal's throne so easily, you're coming back everyday after school to train. Got it?"

"Yup, sure, see you 'round, Big D," I winked, grabbing my stuff.

Walking home, I had a bajillion notifications from Leslies weird interweb thingy. She had been posting picture after picture of people, one of Garth, Lois, random kids in the school, all of them with millions of likes.

Leslie was calling her fans her "Shocketeers" which was so cute, but raised suspicious flags in my head again. I mean coincidence? I think not.




Thursday 20th January.

"Hey it's Lois Lame," I spun around, thinking it was Leslie, but nope, some other random kid, pointing and laughing at Lois. 

Leslie had come out the corner and walked towards me, slinging her arm around my shoulder, smiling enticingly. 

"Hey Lois," She called, voice filled with bravado, "Bet you wish you had a gossip column now!"

"Urgh, leave me alone, Willis," Lois replied, blowing the hair out her face and groaning.

I made an apologetic face to her, but upon making eye contact with me Lois yelped and ran, causing Leslie to cackle louder.

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