Digital Detox

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My phone buzzed like crazy over the duration of the night and on Saturday morning, I turned it off, refusing to reply to anyone.

I didn't know what was going on in the outside world and I didn't want to know.

It didn't matter.

And I didn't care.

I didn't know what to do with myself. Both Jessica and Kara had missed one of the most important matches of my life, Kara was mad at me for reasons unknown, Marigold had informed me of the most horrendous thing I've ever done, and I didn't even know until this late. I hated this. I had no outlet. Without hockey I had nothing. I was stuck.

I was stuck in this horrible bubble of me.

Everywhere I turned I saw myself and I hated it.

So on Sunday night I headed to the dock, and sat on the edge, watching the sunset.

I held my cold, unresponsive phone in my hands. I twisted it around and grit my teeth. In one swift motion I took a deep breath and hurled my phone into the body of water.

It made a sad plonk as it plunged in the water, disrupting the surface, causing fish to hurriedly swim away. That's how I felt. Like I drove everyone away by simply being there.

I leant against a banister and shut my eyes.

I think I fell asleep. Without my phone I couldn't really keep track of time, and because I never needed a watch, I couldn't use that. I didn't know how long I had been there.

But what I did know was that I was definitely not leaning on a banister anymore. I was leaning on something warm and firm. On someone warm and firm.

I startle a bit and the person chuckles.

"Wakey wakey, Y/n," A familiar smirk greeted me.

"Doris?! How did you find me?"

"What do you mean how did I find you? We used to hang out here everyday, dumbass."

"Oh, right," I get up, and dust myself off. "I'm going to go home, it's late,"

I turn to walk away, and Doris reaches out for my arm, "Friday was a really good game," she says, grabbing me round the waist and spinning me around. "I'm really proud of you, I wanted to throw an after, after, after party since you didn't attend the last few but Leslie told me to just come find and talk to you," she shakes her head and laughs.

I wriggle out her grasp and she puts her hands up in surrender, looking concerned. I didn't tell her I had quit yet, and I didn't want to.

"Thanks," I say bluntly.

"You don't seem very happy," 

"No fucking shit," I roll my eyes and start to march away again.

"Hey, hey. no need to get aggressive, just sayin' y'know?" Doris says, causing me to stop walking, "Just wanna see if you're good." Caught in my throat, a new wave of guilt washed over me, and my stomach twisted up in knots.

"You know its funny," I say to the ground, my hair hung at the side of my face like a veil of shame.


"It like we switched personalities."

"Huh?" Doris frowns.

"Oh come on, you're meant to be the big grump and I'm meant to be the cheerful one, you know like the sunshine to your thundercloud or whatever,"

"Wow thanks a lot." Doris says dryly teasing me.

"No- I mean - but like, urgh, you know! I'm here, down in the dumps, like you were our first match, and you're the one celebrating, complimenting me, throwing parties or whatnot, like I was in our first match. Fuck you even came to find me!"

"Okay yeah, but its cuz we won, you did great, and you're my friend, so what's the issue, Y/n?"

"I royally screwed up."


"But I can't tell you what happened." I finally conclude.

Doris's face falls. "Why not?"

"It's too risky, last time-" I stop, as I realise Doris didn't know about how Jimmy found out about last time. "Last time- was too upsetting. I don't want to talk about it. See you, Doris," And with that I finally left the dock, leaving Doris stood there in shock.

I don't know how I got to school on time. Like routine, my eyes snapped open in the morning and I looked at the clock that hung on my wall. 7:45. I changed and left. I arrived just as the bells rang, and I shuffled to homeroom. As I walked through the doors, someone threw confetti and streamers at me, and another shrieked in happiness.

"She's here guys!"

"Y/n! Awesome game, huh?"

"Our star player!"

"Hockey eventual~!" 

"Sign my forehead!"

"No, sign my back like tramp stamp style!"

"No, sign my neck and hit me with your hockey stick!"

"Dude? What the hell?" Someone calls in response to the last comment.

"What? You know you're into that too," He shrugs, eyebrows nonchalant.


"Uh- I think.. I think I have to go see Mr Chapin!" I say, slinking back out the door.

All five periods that day was the same. Everyone was throwing compliments at me, and at lunch I sat with Leslie's friends, in hopes they'd help make everyone me alone.

"So.. Y/n that was a really great match on Fri-" Leslie starts.

"Yeah. Yeah, thanks, Leslie, I know, I've been told," I groan, slumping down and taking a sip of my drink. At that moment I caught eye contact with Kara, and for a second I smiled, before realising she was still mad at me. She made a face of distaste. Jessica also saw me, and pulled a face too, but one of slight penitence.

I looked back down at the table and sunk into my seat, blowing my bangs out my face.

After the school I still had a club to attend, and I mentally cursed myself for choosing chess club, but as I walked down the corridor I felt someone close their cold skinny hand around my arm and snatch me into a classroom.

I yelped out loud, both in pain and surprise at the ambush.

"Who did you tell?" Someone snarled at me.

"What?" I rubbed my elbow in pain. I looked up and saw Jimmy, towering over me as I leant back on the desk. My heart swelled in fear and I felt a cold surge run through me.

"I warned you, Y/n, who did you tell?" Jimmy's voice grew louder, and I mewled.

"Green Lantern!" I admit hurriedly. 

"Don't lie to me," Jimmy scoffs. His face inches away from mine, I could count each freckle on his nose, and each speck in his eyes. 

I plead pathetically, lost in his haunting eyes, my voice cracking. "No, I'm telling the truth! I only told Green Lantern!" 

"If you told Green Lantern, how would Kara find out?" Jimmy says.

"Kara found out..?" I say in shock.

"Yes, Kara found out," Jimmy ridicules, "And she's about to find out a lot more, especially about the plague,"

"No..." I shake my head, willing it false. "No, she can't..."

Jimmy watches me, his expression unreadable and his ambience cold. 

"Jimmy, please, you can't tell her. It's so much worse than you think, it's so bad, it's so bad. I'm so bad, please, don't-"

"I don't care. It's already out." He spits, before marching out the door. 

But just as he does, I hear a muffled thud, followed by a crackle of electricity and a scream.

25th April 2024 

1200 words

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