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Gwen felt she'd only been asleep for a few seconds

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Gwen felt she'd only been asleep for a few seconds. She blinked her bleary eyes, squinting through the darkness to the shape that was above her.

  'Time to get up, dear.'

  It was Mrs Weasley. It was still pitch black outside. On the mattress beside Gwen, Hermione sat up, her bushy hair forming a sort of bonnet around her head, and in the bed, Ginny groaned groggily.

  The three girls roused themselves from their slumbers, stumbling to their feet and rummaging around their belongings to get themselves dressed. Gwen forced a hairbrush through her tangled hair while Mrs Weasley left the room, asking them to get the boys up when they were ready. Gwen yawned widely as Ginny turned on her bedside lamp.

  The three got dressed in silence, too sleepy to talk, then trudged their way upstairs to Ron's bedroom.

  Ron, Harry, Fred and George were all still fast asleep when the girls entered their bedroom. The light was on, courtesy of Mrs Weasley, but none of them had stirred from their slumbers.

  'Boys!' Ginny shouted. The four sleeping figures started, groaned, and then rolled over. Gwen, Hermione and Ginny shared a quick, exasperated look, then set about getting the others up.

  Hermione shook Harry awake, who fumbled for his glasses; Ginny got Ron up, who mumbled indistinctly, and Gwen started about getting the twins up, who were very much reluctant to be roused from their sleep.

  'Come on, lads,' she said, her voice much more energetic than she felt, bouncing between the twins' mattresses to disturb them from their sleep. Fred aimed a half hearted kick at her feet, which missed. Gwen laughed, bouncing onto George's mattress, who, at the same moment, pulled his duvet up over his head, unsteadying Gwen's landing and, dramatically, she fell onto the floor. The thump made the twins sit up.

  'Well, that was just rude,' she said, pulling herself to her feet.

  George grinned at her, then yawned widely.

  When the girls went downstairs, shortly joined by the other four, Mrs Weasley was stirring a large pot on the stove, while Mr Weasley was sitting at the table, checking a stack of large parchment tickets. He was dressed in Muggle clothes; a golfing jumper and a very old pair of jeans that were slightly too big for him, held up with a very thick leather belt.

  'What do you think?' he said anxiously as they entered. 'Do I look like a Muggle, Hermione? We're supposed to be incognito...'

  'You look great,' said Hermione, smiling.

  'Where's Bill, Charlie and Per--Percy?' said George, failing to stifle a huge yawn.

  'They're Apparating,' said Mrs Weasley, heaving the large pot over to the table and ladling big spoons of porridge into bowls. 'They're having a bit of a lie in.'

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