"Well, don't you look sexy as sin tonight princess?"

"You better watch your tongue prospect or you'll find it missing. Prez wouldn't appreciate hearing his new recruit speaking that way to his only daughter." I sass, smirking and sending him a wink.

I'm just giving him a hard time, he's quickly become a close friend over the past ten months. Only two more and the question of patching him in will hit the table. But it's a no-brainer... he's a hard worker, loyal, and meshes too well with this group of rowdy bikers not to get patched.

Everybody's still thinking about what his road name will be, my dad usually asks me what I think it should be for any new prospects before the decision gets brought to church. Which makes sense when you think about it because I've been in the clubhouse people-watching and talking shit with the adults since I could talk, so if anyone would know how these men get down it would be me.

Nobody knows about these little conversations of course because club decisions don't involve the women or children but it's one of those little secrets me and my dad keep between the two of us. Not involving women when a lot of the decisions affect them is bullshit in my opinion but I digress.

"Aw come on princess, humor me." He says leaning against the bar I'm pouring drinks behind, flashing that smile that's known to make panties drop. Not mine though, it seems I'm the only girl around here immune to his charms.

Prospect's got the clean-cut, pretty boy look. He's clean-shaven and has light brown hair that's cut a little longer on top with a fade. He's got the Ken look down if you ask me, now all he needs is to find himself a Barbie.

"I'm sixteen, that's a charge if I remember correctly." I throw back at him.

"I literally just turned eighteen a week ago, and you'll be seventeen in three months. We're not even a year and a half apart Moon quit busting my balls."

"And you think Prez will ever let you touch his sexy as sin daughter? Your words, not mine."

"Okay, okay, I get it. Off-limits. Now pass me a beer please."

"Prospect quit chatting up our club princess and get your ass outside. I've got a task for ya... How about you give all our rides a good wash? I wanna see 'em sparkle by the time you're done with 'em, pretty boy." Our VP, Dagger says smacking his shoulder and gripping it hard as he walks in the door, running his ring-clad fingers through his wind-blown chocolatey hair. I follow the action with my eyes, zeroing in on the dried blood coating his knuckles.

It shouldn't be hot, and I definitely shouldn't be getting butterflies from the soft dimpled smile he's shooting me.

"How's my favorite niece doing." Dagger's words feel like a bucket of ice water being dumped on my head. I need to get over this stupid little crush, not only is he my dad's age... but he's also been his best friend since they were in elementary school.

I give the prospect an apologetic smile and watch as he walks out the door to do as he's told. I mean that's about fifteen to twenty bikes if you're counting the spares too. Poor dude, he'll be scrubbing for hours. I almost feel bad for him but it's paying your dues, that's what the first year in almost any MC is about.

"I'm doing good Uncle D," I reply trying to play it cool like I'm not losing my mind when he tugs the end of my Jet black braid. He's acting like he always does, like an uncle... and here I am thinking about him pulling my hair another way. That's it, my perverted fantasies of him have officially poisoned my brain! Ugh. Why does my vagina have to decide it's him she wants to get all wet for?

I hate hormones. It's just a stupid crush it'll pass. It's not like it's always been like this, I've only seen him differently for about a year or two. Since I realized tattoos and muscles are hot and prepubescent boys that can only grow what looks like dirt on their upper lip just isn't my cup of tea.

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