Moon's POV

I fall into my rumpled sheets not so gracefully, my hair sprawled across the covers when Dagger finally puts me down. I stare at the ceiling for a moment trying to gather my bearings as the world spins. Stupid tequila... I love her, but she hates me.

When I can finally sit myself up, my legs dangling off the edge of the bed I see Dagger towering over me. The anger wafting off of him is palpable. I can't help the giggle that escapes me. He's so sexy when he's mad. His leather boots drag against the wood floor as he closes the little bit of distance between us. He grips my jaw firmly, looking down into my eyes for the first time in days. There's pure fire reflecting in his gaze.

"You think this shit is funny Moon? Do you think I enjoy watching you dry hump one of my Brothers? Fuck." He lets go of my chin looking over my head at the wall for a second, his fists clenched. I can all but see smoke coming out of his ears. It's hard not to giggle again. I almost always feel the urge to laugh in serious situations, but it's ten times harder to control it when I'm trashed.

"Why do you care what I do? You've been avoiding me for days." I reply, crossing my arms over my chest. His eyes drop to my cleavage. I can't be upset about it when he's looking at me like I'm the sexiest thing to walk the earth. I feel my cheeks heat from his appraisal.

"You kissed me." He says plainly. Not a question, not an answer to mine... just a statement.

"You stole my kill." I point out since we're apparently just making statements that don't apply to our current conversation. He shakes his head, running his ring-clad fingers through his hair. He doesn't say anything else just looks anywhere, but at me. My drunken brain can't stand the charged silence so I just start rambling out everything that runs through my mind.

"I get that you're upset at me, okay? I shouldn't have kissed you, I shouldn't have shot at you... blah, blah, blah. You shouldn't have followed me. I'm so sick and tired of blaming myself for what happened. You followed me when I was pissed. You stayed when I told you to leave. You spied on me. You stole my fucking kill. You caged me in looking all sexy talking to me in that raspy voice... how did you expect me not to kiss you? You were basically asking me to do it the way you called me baby and your lips brushed mine. And now you're avoiding me like It's all my fault? You drive me fucking crazy Dagger." Before I can say anything else his lips are on mine, his hand tangled in my hair.

As soon as it's started it's over. He pulls away from me like I've burned him, backing away from me until his back hits the wall. He's looking at me with so much desire that it wrecks me. My brain goes silent, I couldn't string together another argument if I tried.

"We can't do this Moon. This is so fucking wrong. Shit, you're basically my niece!" He spits out the last word like it's poison.

"Then you'll have no problem with me going back out there and dancing with my best friend. I'm tired of this shit with you. You want me, then you don't. You kiss me, then you act like it's gross. Fuck you." I stand from the bed, storming towards the door. As soon as I twist the doorknob and go to pull it open his hand is planted firmly against it holding it shut. I can feel his hard-on pressing against my back. I suck in a breath when his hand grips my neck from behind.

"You feel what you do to me?" He whispers gruffly into my ear as he lightly squeezes my neck.

"If kissing is wrong, this is even more sinful. Might wanna go to confession and tell a priest how hard your best friend's daughter makes you. Maybe he can absolve you of your sinful desires." I snark back at him. He squeezes my throat tighter in response, cutting off my air supply. It shouldn't turn me on to feel so powerless in his grasp, but I can feel the arousal pooling between my thighs.

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