"Are Swiss and Dagger Okay?" I ask Dad after he comes up to my room a few hours later.

After the Reapers attacked the clubhouse he sent me up to my room and told me to lock the door behind me. I knew he needed all hands on deck to clean up that mess, he didn't need to be worrying about me. He was probably making calls to other chapters and talking to all the Club brothers about how they'll handle what's next.

"Swiss will be fine, he didn't get his Road name for nothing. I swear he's a cat with eleven lives at this point. He's all patched up, it was a clean shot but Doc put him under because the pain was bad and he didn't want him ripping the stitches while he was all loopy from the meds. He should be up and moving tomorrow hyped up on whatever pain pills Doc gives him this time." I let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad he's okay, but what about Uncle D?"

"He's fine Moonie. But we need to chat." I hold my breath scared Dad knows about the moment Dagger and I had earlier. I've been paranoid that someone saw us since Dad sent me up here.

"Come on don't start picking at your nails yet. Let me explain." I didn't even notice I was doing that. He reads me too well.

"You're going on vacation."

"Vacation? Dad the fucking clubhouse was just shot up I'm not going anywhere."

"It wasn't a question, I'm telling you not asking. Dagger And Nova are taking you to a safe house in an hour. Porky will meet you there and he'll watch after you until things are safe here again. Your pops misses you and can't wait to spend some quality time."

"Dad as much as I love pops and would love to see him, shouldn't we just follow protocol and go on lockdown?" I ask confused as to why he's sending me away.

"Don't forget I'm the Devils Outlaws club President. I know our protocol, your pops wrote our bylaws and I was raised on em. You'll do as you're told! you get me? Not only are you a woman but you're my daughter you don't get to question me or club decisions." He yells, pissing me off even fucking more. It's club law, I know I'm not allowed to question his decisions. But this involves me, I deserve a say in this.

"I'm not going anywhere Razor. I know how to shoot, I was taught by the best. I can help! I'm not leaving all the guys behind to hide like a coward." He steps back at my use of his road name like my words have cut him. I never call him that, but he's ordering me around like I'm a prospect, not his daughter.

"You'll do as you're told Moonie. Pack." I stand up from my bed, standing toe to toe with my 6'4" mountain of a father. I've never seen a man brave enough to do what I am and live to tell the tale.

"Watch it." He growls out. Looking down at me, his jaw ticking. I look up at him, my eyes narrowed.

"I'm not going anywhere. This is my family. I'm not a prospect or club brother you can just order around." I yell up at him. He runs his hand down his face before he takes a step back.

"Listen moon, you're a distraction. You'll get someone killed. You're a weakness to this club. The reapers will use that and I'm not letting shit happen to you or this MC. I don't want to fight with you. I already lost your mother I'm not losing you too. Now pack!" He bellows his words stabbing me straight in the gut. A distraction. A weakness. Bringing up mom. I stumble back, trying not to cry as he stomps out the door slamming it behind him.

Shut it off moon.

I refuse to think about her.

I start slinging open drawers and throwing shit in a duffel. Then I open the closet, snatching shit off hangers. I look at the jacket in the back of the closet, my mom's plain black leather jacket. It's the one she'd wear under her cut which had her property of Devils Outlaws patch on it with my dad's road name under it. I snatch it off the hanger throwing it on over my cropped Devils Outlaws tee.

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