Dagger's POV

"Is this seat taken?" Penny's shrill intoxicated voice rang out as she dropped down onto my lap.

"What the fuck?" I go to push her off of me but freeze completely shocked when I see the scene in front of me unfold.

Pyro lands on the wood floor with a loud thud, I look up to find Moon smirking down at him. I didn't realize that she was back yet. I knew Swiss was going to get her, but I didn't see her walk in. I was busy on my phone looking for a new radio to put into her truck I'd been fixing up.

The second my eyes land on her I'm completely captivated by her, just like two years ago all over again. She looks even better than when I saw her last. The guilt of thinking about her in ways I shouldn't when I look her father in the eyes every day hasn't gotten any easier.

I can't help myself, no matter how wrong I know it is. Her smile enraptures me. She's like a drug, and I need my next fix. My eyes drink her in, her top -if you can even call it that- barely covers her tits... not that I'm complaining. Her full hips and even her stomach that pokes out over her jeans a little is the biggest fucking turn-on. I don't realize I'm hard until Penny is kissing on my neck grinding her ass on me. I forgot she was even there.

Of course, it's then that the little vixen across the room sees me. She narrows her eyes before grabbing a drink and turning her back to me. I stand up, Penny's coked-out ass landing on the floor at my feet.

I pace a little trying to figure out what to do. Her dad's in the room it's not like I can just go up to her and claim her, explaining to her it wasn't what it looked like and she's who I can't get out of my head.

Even the thought of admitting I want my best friend's daughter is outrageous. She's just hot and young. That's it nothing more. There's nothing wrong with finding someone attractive.

But there is something wrong with fantasizing about waking up to her in my bed every morning, calling her baby, and touching her in ways no uncle should ever touch his niece. I want to watch her come apart at the seams, screaming my name while she rides my face. I want her juices running down my chin, her sweet taste imprinted on my tongue. Fuck.

I run my fingers through my hair. I watch her throw back at least 6 shots. I've seen that girl drink, three rum and cokes put her out. Now she's shooting whiskey?

I fucked up. I know wanting her is wrong. Shit, I've spent the past two years trying to get her out of my head. I guess the saying is true about absence making the heart grow fonder, or whatever the fuck it is. More like my dick growing fonder... and only to the thought of her.

I see Nova leaning in, whispering something in her ear. I grind my teeth, my fists clenching.

I know that motherfucker has a thing for her. I see the way he looks at her, but he doesn't know how to keep it in his pants. He's not good enough for her. She deserves a man that'll treat her right.

Like who? You?

Shut up brain. Fuck, I'm sick and tired of you.

I've had this inner battle for months. There's no way I can justify lusting after my club president's daughter.

I can't hear what Nova said to her from here, but something made her panic and pissed her off. Before I realize I even moved, I'm gripping Nova's shoulder. He was about to go after her.

"Don't you think you've done enough, brother?" I spit the last word out with more anger than necessary.

"You've hurt her enough Dagger. Years of getting her hopes up and letting her down... time and time again, you don't deserve her. If you won't treat her right I sure as fuck will!" He yells, getting in my face. I look around scared someone heard, the music is cranked so loud no one looks like they notice us.

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