Moon's POV

The man dangling from chains in front of me is still unconscious from the sedatives Pops must've given him so he'd be easier to transport.

I'm surprised he could find me a victim so fast. He must've grabbed him for himself, but let me have him since I called. I love my grandpa.

Porky has been doing this for years, ever since he got booted from the police force when they found out about his affiliation with the club. He still has his connections, that's how he was able to find this sack of shit.

He's some rich prick that bribed the judge and got off the hook for child molesting. He deserves to die. That poor little kid didn't deserve what this monster did to them, I won't let him hurt anyone else. The file has many horrifying details, unspeakable things he did to that child. There's a special place in hell for people who prey on the defenseless.

My anger keeps rising higher and higher, between the thoughts of Dagger and reading the file Porky handed me before going to bed. I feel like I'm about to explode.

I grab my switchblade from my bralette testing how good the sedative really is. I slice the blade across his chest in an 'x' formation. Blood pours, but I was careful only to cause a surface wound. I can't have him dying on me yet, there's so much more fun to be had.

He doesn't make a sound, still completely unconscious.

"Come on asshole wake up!" I say in a sing-song manner, throwing my blade right into his upper thigh, careful not to nick his femoral artery. I watch the blood drip to the wood floors... still not a single reaction.

I'm not worried about the mess, Pops said to leave it and he'll handle clean up in the morning. When we were at the cottage he'd burn the bodies, but here he's got easy disposal. He's told me how it's done since he knew I'd need to learn if I keep on with this little hobby.

He dismembers them before feeding the bits and pieces to the pigs. Which is totally gross by the way. They eat it all. The only thing is that you have to look for teeth and bone fragments in the pig shit afterward and dispose of it.

This isn't as fun when they're quiet.

I look around for something that'll do enough damage to bring him back to the land of the living before I put him down for good.

I glance around the shed, taking inventory of all my options. Knives, a machete, a cheese grater, oh perfect... hedge clippers. I snatch them up, placing his tiny flaccid penis and balls between the blades before snapping them shut, severing the organ. They fall to the floor with a thud. Blood starts pouring like a faucet. I've got to work fast, he'll bleed out quickly at this rate. He must be on blood thinners, he's messy.

His eyes open with a shrill shriek falling from his lips. I smile in response.

"Good morning, Sunshine." How rude, he doesn't say a word, just keeps screaming.

Fine by me, there's no neighbors for at least ten miles out here. No one will hear him.

"You like to hurt children?" I ask grabbing another blade, and running a torch along it until it starts glowing red.

"Did you just piss yourself?" I didn't even know that was possible. My nose wrinkles at the stench. He trembles, fighting the chains around his wrists.

His eyes are wide with terror as I inch closer. I press the glowing red knife to his crotch cauterizing the gash where his micro penis used to be. He passes out from a mixture of fear and pain I'd imagine.

I heat the knife again branding him with an R on his stomach. Rapist. His eyes fly open again, another ear drum shattering screech escaping him.

"Moon Pie?" Dagger's calm, but confused voice fills the room. I thought he left.

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