What the fuck?

I roll over grabbing my phone off of my bedside table, seeing it's only nine in the morning.

Who the hell is blasting music and partying this early in the morning? It's only me and Pyro here, Doc is working the night shift at the hospital.

It takes a few minutes for the morning brain fog to fade and realization to set in.

They're back!

I shoot out of bed, only wearing the black tee shirt I stole from Dagger's room and black and white plaid sleep shorts that barely pass as more than underwear.

I pull the shirt to my nose, taking a deep inhale of his scent. Wearing his shirt has been the only way I could sleep these past two weeks that I've been worried sick about him.

I quickly check my hair in the mirror, making sure that my messy bun is still intact after sleeping. After I fix a couple of stray curls, I quickly wipe the sleep from my eyes and run down the stairs.

The first person I lay eyes on is Swiss, I run straight into him wrapping him in a tight hug. He groans, caught off guard a little before returning the tight squeeze.

"Missed you kiddo," he says in my ear pulling back enough for me to catch sight of Pyro slack-jawed staring at some new red-headed beauty who looks frightened out of her mind.

"Missed you too. Who's the redhead?"

"That's Lydia, she'll be sticking around for a while. Prez rescued her." that's all I get out of him, but I'm sure it goes deeper than that. She was probably wrapped up in the Trafficking ring, poor girl. I mentally make a note to remind myself to befriend her.

"Bout time we have some more girls around here!" I say excitedly, looking around at everyone here. Everyone is home safe. Except I don't see Dagger.

Where is he? Panic ramps up inside me. Was he hurt? Or worse...

"Razor is in his office, he's got a lot on his plate he'll probably be in there a while. He asked to not be bothered." Swiss tells me, probably noticing me looking around. My heart sinks at his words I don't know if it's the fact that my dad doesn't want to see me, the realization that I've got to tell him what's going on with me and Dagger, or the fact that it's messed up that my dad isn't even who I was looking for. It's probably a mixture of them all if I'm honest.

I subconsciously rub my chest, trying to soothe the ache. Then do another glance around the room and as I do my eyes meet ocean blue... Nova.

Now my chest is aching for a whole other reason. Our last conversation still doesn't sit right with me. I hate fighting with him. I hate knowing he's upset at me. I just want us to be cool again.

My feet are carrying me toward where he's sat at the bar out of instinct before I even realize it. When I'm about halfway to him my phone vibrates in my hand. I look down at it, the Dagger and black heart emoji flashing across the home screen.

Come to the garage ;)

I smile down at the screen, wanting to send a sassy retort but feeling the need to just listen to him, my need to see him outweighing everything else. My heart immediately beats out of my chest leading me in the direction of the door.

I glance at Nova one last time before heading to the garage. I know I need to talk to him, but if he didn't want to hear from me weeks ago and ignored all of my texts then he probably doesn't want to talk now. Resolving our issues can wait a few minutes. Any and Everything can wait.

I swing the side door to the garage open, the second my eyes lock on him leaning against my truck everything melts away. He smiles brightly at me as I take off into a full sprint, jumping into his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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