Warning Mention of  SA in this chapter (briefly I'll put a * before it gets to it so you can skip but you will miss her trauma involving her mother)

The masked man tugs on my ponytail jerking my head back, the cool edge of a blade pressed against my neck.

I don't scream, neither does Mom. Dad trained us for these situations. If we ever get kidnapped we stay silent and show no fear. We're a reflection of the club.

I want to scream, I want to cry.


"Watch." the masked man spits. I squeeze my eyes shut. I can't watch another man rape my ma. I can't. They're ruthless. I know the masked man is the Reaper's president, they didn't bother to cover up their colors I can see the patches on their leathers clearly. That must mean they don't plan on keeping us alive.

"I said watch bitch!" the man bellows, the knife nicking the skin of my neck. It stings, but I don't make a sound. If momma can stay quiet through all that they're doing to her I can stay quiet too.

When I open my eyes the last man of the line that was once fifteen people is pulling up his pants. I can't see his face through the mask he's wearing, but somehow I can tell he's smiling.

"I want her next," he says pointing at me. I don't verbally react but my whole body is shaking in fear. Please no, I'm only ten. Please don't. I beg mentally.

The man holding me at knife-point laughs.

"Kill the Devil's Outlaws' whore first then you can have this little bitch." he yells, the scary man pulls a gun putting it to moms head. She mouths the words I love you before- BANG.

"NO!" I scream.

"Shh you're okay baby, I've got you. You're safe." A familiar voice whispers. My eyes shoot open as arms tighten around me.

"PLEASE NO!" I yell, feeling the hands of the scary man on me. The hands release my body when I try to yank myself free.

"You're safe baby!" the voice yells again. It's not until my face is gripped firmly and I'm staring into whisky-colored eyes that I realize it's Dagger.

"Don't cry," he whispered, his voice pained. I didn't even realize I was crying.

"Help me." My voice doesn't even sound familiar at the moment.

"What do you need me to do baby?"

"Help me forget," I whisper. He gently pulls me out of bed, wrapping me in a hug. It feels safe and comforting now that I know it's him.

When I pull away I look down at myself noticing I'm no longer in the corset top and black ripped jeans. I'm now in one of his shirts, the fabric stopping mid-thigh on me. I do a mental check that all my undergarments are still on and they are.

"Why am I in your shirt?"

"You were covered in dirt so I put them in the laundry basket over there." He says pointing to a white basket by his ensuite bathroom. He reaches into his drawer pulls out some sweatpants and hands them to me.

"Here put these on, I want to take you somewhere." I quickly slide them on, it's then that I notice he's still in his jeans, boots, and cut with nothing on underneath. Did he sleep at all? He grabs his plain leather jacket that he wears in wintertime and puts it on me. It's so big it swallows me even though I'm definitely not a small girl.

"We'll have to stop by your room to grab your socks and your riding boots. Then the garage to grab an extra helmet," he says grabbing my hand and pulling me in the direction of the door. He's so determined to take my mind off things he's treating it like a mission. It's kind of endearing in a way.

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