Moon's POV


"Yes, baby?" He asks looking down at me lovingly until he sees the look of panic on my face, his giddy smile morphing into a concerned look.

"We didn't use a condom."

"It's okay baby." He soothes me, combing my wet hair away from my face.

"What if I get pregnant Dagger? I'm not on birth control!" That sobers him up a little. A dazed look crosses his face for a moment like he's imagining something, the smirk reappearing before he gives me a more serious look.

"We can stop at the twenty-four-hour drug store and get a plan b... whatever you want or feel comfortable with." He says without a single drop of concern like he's genuinely okay with whatever choice I make. For some reason that calms me a little. Or maybe it's the post-orgasm bliss.

"Okay, we'll do that," I reply with a nod. He nods in agreement letting me make the choice since it is my body not to mention all the craziness that would go along with having my father's best friend's baby. I can't even fathom that. Sneaking around, secret feelings, and longing looks is all we can ever really have together.

Sadness washes over me at that thought as we slowly make our way back to the dock climbing the ladder connected to the end of it.

Once we reach the blanket we both crash onto it sleepily. I'm just saying the sex was great but swimming back sore as hell post-otherworldy-orgasm was not.

We both lay side by side staring at the stars in silence, completely naked and not even caring. It feels comfortable, but a thick heaviness coats the air. I know it's the impending return to the clubhouse and having to act like none of this ever happened.

I can't even think about not being able to touch him in front of anyone. But that's just how it will have to be, my dad can never find out. It's not that I care about his opinion or his disapproval, I only care about what the repercussions will be and I know they will come if he ever finds out.

My dad would definitely strip Dagger of his patch and the club is all he has we're Dagger's family. That's only the lighter end of what could happen. Razor could kill him. He could send me away. There are so many things that could happen that makes it all seem a little easier to just keep this thing between us quiet. For the safety of us both.

"What's running through that pretty little head of yours?" Dagger asks laying on his side propped up by his elbow with his head resting on his hand. His eyes sparkling in a way I've never seen before. He looks like he's filled with hope and that's dangerous.

"Nothing, just thinking about what it'll be like when we go back to the club."

"We don't have to think about that right now baby." He says, running his fingers gently between my breasts before circling my nipple delicately with his finger tip.

"How are you feeling?" He asks after a stretch of silence.

"Sore," I reply with a satisfied smirk.

"I could get used to this!" He says pulling me into his side and brushing his lips against my forehead.

We must doze off because the next thing I know light is blazing down into my eyes waking me from the most peaceful sleep I've had in years.

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