I'd like to say my crush for Dagger died that day, but it didn't. Did seeing that happen about a year and a half ago break a piece of my soul? Yes.

I should've gotten over my attraction to him but I can't. Not when the man ages like fine wine. I've grown since then though. I realize I was a child, of course, he didn't notice me. If he would've noticed me I'd have been concerned. He's not that type of man and I know that.

I guess that's why I'm still hanging onto hope that maybe he'll notice me now that I'm older, now that I'm legal. Now that my hips are rounded out and my double D tits fill out my cropped low-cut Devils Outlaws MC tee shirt. My legs aren't long at my 5'2" height but the cut-off shorts I wear form the illusion that they are. That paired with my favorite riding boots not that I ever get to ride. My dad won't let me ride bitch on anyone's bike and sure as hell won't let me have my own hog.

I've caught several Club brothers sneaking a glance, especially Nova -my best friend- but he's not so secretive about his attraction towards me. He never has been not even when he was a prospect back when I was sixteen. Nova's attracted to anything that has tits so that's not saying much and he can get just about any woman he wants not including myself. Hence the road name Casanova. 

"You've let the curls be free today, I like it!" Nova says tugging at the end of a lock of long black hair. The chains on his cut clanking with the action.

He's got almost all his patches now. I knew he'd get the vote, I didn't question it for a second.

"How's club pussy treating ya?" I quipped back pouring myself a rum and coke. I catch him staring at my cleavage as I reach down into the cooler to get him a beer.

I'm used to his shenanigans at this point, it doesn't even bother me. Honestly, I kind of like the attention especially because I know it'll never lead anywhere, I've got my eyes on another man and probably always will. He knows that I don't see him romantically and he respects it. That and the fact that even if I did like him like that my dad would kill his ass before I'd become an old lady in this club.

"I'm kinda in the dog house right now, Penny found out about Lilly and now they both won't talk to me. I think they told the other sweet butts too because I can't even get a blowie around here. It's been three days Moon. Do you know what happens to a man like me when I don't get pussy?" I can't help myself. I don't know if it was his genuinely distressed tone or the words themselves, but I heehaw the hell out of him. I laugh so hard tears slip past the corner of my eyes and I start wheezing.

"It's not funny!" he whines pushing my shoulder. I swear the men around here don't know their strength because I almost lose my balance and stumble a little. I'm not a small girl either by any means I fill out My size eighteen jean shorts and 2x tee shirts. I rub the spot he touched for a second knowing there will definitely be a bruise there tomorrow.

"You fucker you know I bruise easy!" I scold, punching his bicep only to shake out my fist. Damnit that hurt. Now he's the one cackling.

I flip Him off with a smile while walking over to an empty pool table and Start racking up the solid and striped balls. I make a show of bending over the table knowing Nova's touch-deprived self is eating it up.

The clubhouse has been empty for hours. All the guys are in church aside from Nova who's on Princess watch since there's no other women or children in our club for me to hang out with while they talk business, that and for protection. No one is dumb enough to attack us here but it's a precaution. Dad told me they've been having problems with the Reapers which is another rival Mc. It must be getting worse seeing as I've had a shadow everywhere I go for the past six months or so.

"Quit staring at my ass and grab a pool stick before I throw this eight ball at your head."

"I swear that ass could bring any man to his knees." He replies adjusting his dick before grabbing a pool cue. I just roll my eyes at him.

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