Moon's pov

I made a mistake.

Dagger hasn't looked me in the eye since he drove me home three nights ago.

He strapped his bike down in the bed of the truck and let me lay my head on his lap as he drove back to the clubhouse. Both of us stayed completely silent. He even ran his fingers through my hair mindlessly as he drove us and it was so nice. I don't think I've ever felt more safe and at peace than when I'm in his arms. Even when I was a kid he was a safe space for me.

He was who I ran to when I fell, he was who toted me around on his hip at every club get together when I was little and scared of the people I didn't know. Dad was always busy, always throwing himself into the club instead of raising me. I look like mom. I think that's why he can't stand to be around me.

I shouldn't have kissed Dagger. I know it's inexcusable. I know my father would never forgive me.

Dagger doesn't want me. He's seen what I'm capable of and it scared him off. I don't know whether to be sad or angry.

He's such a hypocrite, he's killed people. This whole club has killed people. Why is it wrong that I do too? I'm a product of my environment. I hurt the bad people just like they do.

No matter how I look at it I know that I should've made sure he left before I went into the shed. That was a dumb move on my part. How could he ever see me the same after that night? He saw me torture a man. I even shot at him for Christ's sake.

No wonder he's avoiding me. He's been surrounding himself with club brothers and clinging to my dad's hip now more than ever. He's doing anything he can for us not to have a moment alone together. Taking every errand possible. It's really starting to tick me off. I just want to talk to him.

But if I were him I would hate me too.

What happened to me?

"Beer please, sugar," Stray says, giving me what he probably thinks is a welcoming smile but it looks fake in a way that makes my skin crawl. I hand him his drink and he winks at me.

His slicked-back blond hair and blank stare don't do it for me. He's new, he was patched in while I was in hiding. I met him yesterday, and let's just say I feel like something ain't right about him. It's like he imitates how normal people act. He's like a smorgasbord of other people's personalities.

I think something doesn't click right in his head. Like he's got his wires crossed up there or something. But who am I to judge, we've all got something wrong with us.

When I look up, I catch sight of Dagger watching us from across the room. When he notices that he's been spotted he shifts his gaze quickly, trying to act like he wasn't just drilling a hole in the back of Stray's head with his eyes.

How is my crush ever going to die out when he looks at any man who talks to me like he wants to decapitate them?

He kissed me like I was the air he needed to breathe. He held me in that shed like he held that sweet butt back when I was sixteen.

Does he see me as his whore?

I don't even think I'd mind as long as I had a piece of him in the way my mind fantasizes about. As long as I was his in some way.

My desperation for him is starting to reach club whore level. Disgusted with myself I pour a double shot of the closest liquor to me. Tequila.

"Pour me one?" Nova asks with a mischievous grin painted on. He knows all about tequila Moon and he's ready for a wild ride.


I should've stopped at six double shots... better yet I should've stopped before I even started. I didn't mean to get this drunk, but I'm damn sure gonna enjoy it. When life gives you oranges make lemons or whatever that saying is. I prefer lime with my tequila anyways.

My head is fuzzy as Nova spins me around to a death metal song. We keep cackling because it's definitely not a ballroom-style dancing type of vibe and the juxtaposition is hilarious to us with the amount of tequila we've consumed.

"You're so beautiful," Nova says, none of his usual flirty expressions with it. Just pure admiration. I smile up at him.

"And you're handsome!" I reply headed to the bar. I try to jump up onto it, but my short legs won't cooperate.

"Give me a boost?" I ask with a giggle. He lifts me with no problem, my ass landing on the bar top.

He slides between my legs, his face just about eye level with mine. I break eye contact with him almost as soon as it's initiated because his gaze is heated and something about this feels different than usual.

"I think it's time for another shot!" I say to channel the awkwardness I'm feeling. I grab the tequila bottle from behind the bar, I go to grab a glass but he shakes his head.

"I think I want a hurricane without the splash," Nova says with his signature panty-dropping grin, his hands are on either side of my thighs caging me in.

"Coming right up!" I say excitedly. I love doing these. I grip his neck, tilting his head back.

"Open," I order him, before pouring a mouthful of tequila between his lips straight from the bottle. As soon as he swallows I slap the dog shit out of him laughing my ass off at how hype it gets him. He jumps up and down all but pounding on his chest. He's such a goofball.

"Stay right here, I think it's time."

"Time for what?" I ask confused as hell.

He goes over to the jukebox in the corner by the door, clicking a few times before Crazy Bitch by Buckcherry -my crunk song- blasts throughout the whole room.

I'm standing on the bar top in approximately three seconds. This is my song!

He comes back over to me with a mischievous grin painted on. He knows there's no way I'm not shaking ass to this song. He jumps on top of the bar with me, his hands on my hips. My hand grips the back of his neck. We find a rhythm, my ass grinding against him as I shout every single word to the song.

"Get your ass down right now, Moon." Dagger growls. I didn't even realize he walked up. I'm too busy feeling the music to deal with his grumpy ass right now.

"Make me."

I flip him off, turning around so I'm facing Nova now. I wrap my left arm around his neck, the other still outstretched in Dagger's direction with my middle finger up. Nova grips my ass, swaying with me as I move my hips. His lips go to my neck. Just when I'm about to push him away because that's a little too far for me, I'm lifted off the bar by my legs and thrown over Dagger's shoulder.

"Mother fucker put me down!" I yell banging my fists against his back.

He ignores me, carrying me up the stairs fireman style.

"Let me go!" I try to wiggle free to no avail.

I make fake throw-up sounds, hoping he'll put me upright if he thinks I'm about to puke, but no. Nothing. He just keeps taking the stairs two at a time.

"You love to test me don't you baby? You think I won't spank this pretty little ass until you learn to behave?" He says slapping my ass hard enough to leave a handprint even through my shorts.

Dagger swings open my bedroom door, slamming it hard behind us.


I'm just saying that song is iconic and you can't change my mind. Also another 100 reads in 1 day is insane! Thank you guys for all the support <3

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