Pop's had a note passed to him by a stranger at the grocery store last night. We knew it was from Dad immediately but he won't tell me what it says. Dad sent maybe three notes in the past two years.

That's right, two years I've been in hiding. Two years without a peep from Dagger. Two years they've been navigating a war without me.

I cried myself to sleep the first couple of weeks, missing all the Club brothers. Especially Nova and Dagger, they've been important fixtures in my life, and it's just weird being without them. It was hard at first. But I've adjusted.

I felt powerless when I first arrived at this little cottage, but Porky has definitely helped me get my fire back. It may be an unconventional way but it works. It helps me release every bit of anger I have built up in me.

My dad called me the club's weakness. I'll never be a weakness again. I can handle my own now more than ever. I don't expect to be allowed in church or be privy to club business by any means, but I know if I need to protect myself or any other member of the Devils Outlaws MC I'm more than capable. I don't want Dad ever sending me away or questioning my capabilities again.

Pops tried to get me to open up about Mom for the first couple of months we were trapped up here. It got us nowhere besides me being pissed and needing to blow off steam and Porky being completely exasperated. I know he wants me to heal, he wants me to talk about it so I can move on. But if I talk about it I'll remember. I don't want to remember.

"Your Dad said be ready, you're coming home," Porky says after whooping my ass for the millionth time in poker. I swear that man is a card shark.

"You serious? When?" I ask skeptically. I've been waiting for this day for two years and now that it's come it feels like a cruel prank.

"Tonight. Your dad's sending someone to come get you but it's a surprise. Apparently, he took it to the table and asked who wanted to come get ya and every club brother volunteered. They miss you MoonShine." I let out a disbelieving breathy chuckle.

"There's no way that note said all of that, you're pulling my chain."

"You're right it didn't. I got that info when your dad called me on the burner the stranger slipped me at the grocery last night that I didn't tell you about." I jump out of my seat looming over Him, trying to intimidate him and he just laughs at me.

"You're telling me you've had access to the club for twenty-four hours and I'm just catching wind of this now."

"Rein it in hell child, here... your dad told me to give it to you today to call him after you're all packed so he can send your driver." I snatch the phone immediately dialing the number I have memorized. It rings twice before it's picked up.

"Hello?" I hear after a few seconds of silence.

"Nova!" I almost screech through the phone. Fuck I've missed my best friend.

"Princess," he replies in a smooth sultry voice. I can tell he's got his signature smirk painted on.

"Is it true? Am I really coming home?" I ask all but hopping up and down.

"Yes, Moon war is over." I can hear Pop's deep hearty chuckle as he watches me scramble off to my room to start packing.

"I can't believe this is real. I thought you forgot about me," I say a little out of breath As I start slinging shit back into my duffel.

"How could I forget you, princess? You're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on and I've seen a lot of women."

"Shit talking already I see." I fire back, rolling my eyes even though I know he can't see me.

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