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A few days ago...
Richard POV
Is grocery shoppin for this Sunday and am anxious to meet Chris. I've heard he treats my daughter pretty well. I go down the bread isle looking at the shelves when suddenly, tbis young lady bumped into me.

 I go down the bread isle looking at the shelves when suddenly, tbis young lady bumped into me

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Jolene: oh! I'm so sorry!
Richard: it's ok, I wasn't paying attention either ha.
Jolene: wait a second, are you Beyonce dad?
Richard: yes I am and you are-
Jolene: Jolene. She's dating Chris Brown right?
Richard: yes-a
Jolene: I'm his ex wife. We were married for a long time and then I had to divorce him.
Richard: why is that, if you don't mind me asking?
Jolene: I'm just warning you, Chris is not in the right state of mind. He's been with 1,000's of women, you must've seen the news
Richard: yes but people change
Jolene: not Chris, he's secretly a monster. I actually am concerned for Beyonce. I can tell she's so nice and loved to please everyone but he will destroy her in time. He would cheat almost every night, drug use, jail time-
Richard: jail time?
Jolene: oh you have no idea. And also his bi polar di-
Richard: what?!
Jolene: would you wanna go grab a bite to eat with me while I give you a run down of what it is really like being witch Chris Brown?
Richard: absolutely
Present day...
Chris POV
I'm home, sitting on the couch, doing a shot, thinking about what has just happened what suddenly, Beyoncé opens and slams the door. I jump right up and run twoards her.
Chris: baby! Everything was b-
Bey: *pushes him out of the way* move outta my damn way!
Chris: baby, can't we just talk about this?
She rushes upstairs in tears and I chase after her but she slams the door shut.
Chris: Beyoncé please I can explain everything! It's all blown outta proportion. I wasn't ready to explain everything to you yet!
Bey: you just wanted to fuck me! That's all you ever cared about Chris!
Chris: bullshit! We had an amazing time together without sex for a whole month! Well, almost a whole month but weeks! And remember how much fun we had? I love you and spending time with you. We don't always gotta be fuckin. *long pause* please let me in Beyoncé
Minutes later, she swims open the door and has 2 bags packed.
Bey: I can't stay he-
Chris: *grabs her arm and steps closer* baby please, you're not even listening
Bey: I get it, it's one thing if it's too early in the relationship. But this is important shit. I mean bipolar disorder, jail, who knows how many women you've been with and how do I know you won't hurt me
Chris: please stop letting fear win. I've never hurt you! Ever!
Bey: I need some space
She runs out on me and she takes her own car keys and throws stuff in the car and I just let her go. I know she'll be back.
Beys POV
I knock on the door and Solange opens her door and brings me in for a hug. I sob in her arms and she sits me down on the couch and I plop my 2 bags next to me. I cry in her arms.
Solo: I figured you were gonna come over, GIRLS!
I look up and see Kelly and Michelle. They group hug me. Eventually, we seperate and Solange pours us all a glass of wine and I turn on the tv

 Eventually, we seperate and Solange pours us all a glass of wine and I turn on the tv

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This what I need right now. A break. I missed my girlies and my sister anyways. I love them all.
1 week later...
Solo: *shakes Bey* sis wake up. Oh sis, you need a shower.
Bey: naaa
Solo: wake up ya lazy bitch. You gotta talk to Chris. He's been calling and I keep bullshitting him. You're going to have to get your ass up outta my spare bedroom. Lucky I ain't make ya sleep on the couch.
Bey: *yawns* I'm no-
Solo: not ready yet-well girl todays the day, so get up.
I slug my body outta bed and am a little hungover from all the wine. And I realize, I'm outta clean clothes and forgot to throw them in her wash. I start packing up all my stuff and I'm still in a confused state with Chris. Maybe a week was too long. Hope he ain't fuck no one. I get all my stuff together and give Solange one last hug.
Solo: please just hear him out sis. Cause he's 10X better than Jay. And who knows what's true and what's not. Give him a chance and if he does hurt you, I will not be afraid to get another man's ass for you
As chuckle and I thank her. It felt like an hour with only a 20 minute drive back to his house. I contemplate the whole time on what to do and/or say. I get out and get my bags and walk up and unlock the door and look around before closing the door. Odd, all his cars are in the garage so he should be home. I take my heels off and quietly hurry upstairs, trying to not make a sound. I run up to our bedroom and realize, I forgot a bag down stairs. Damnt! I hurry back down stairs quietly and before I reach my bag infront of the stairs, I turn to the side and see Chris sad staring at me.

 Damnt! I hurry back down stairs quietly and before I reach my bag infront of the stairs, I turn to the side and see Chris sad staring at me

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Chris: I missed you Beyonce

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Chris: I missed you Beyonce.
Bey: *sighs*I missed you too.
By nature, I run up to him and hug him. It was a very long hug.
Chris: think you gon sneak up in here and not say a word to me?
Bey:*parts from hug* I need to shower and just, prepare myself for what I'm about to hear.
Chris: you ain't had to leave me for a whole week
Bey: what? Chris, I'm scared! I don't know anything about you! I feel lied to and just, there's a lot you haven't told me a-
Chris: have I hurt you? Did I cheat on you?
Bey: well...no. It dosent matter Chris. I'm gonna shower and we'll talk after.
Chris: *sighs* fine.
I grab my bag and hurry upstairs to our bedroom bathroom. I unpack everything and then hop in the shower.
Chris: excuse you?
My soul jumped outta me. Chris is outside of the shower
Bey: get out!
Chris: this my house! I gotta take a piss.
Bey: there's a downstairs bathroom and a bunch of others in this mansion😑
Chris: idgaf. This my house. I piss where I want.
This man really peein while I'm in the shower. I try to ignore him and he finishes and I thought leaves. But instead I feel hands wrapped around my waist and I jump at the touch.
Chris: you can't leave daddy again*kissing her neck*
I try not to moan at the feeling of his naked body touching mine. He turns me towards him and fuck, I give in.

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