Chapter 11: Nuremberg

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After a while, you finally open your eyes.

When you do, he just feels a huge wave of relief wash over him. He almost can't believe it. Somehow your body has decided to finally give itself a chance to let you open your eyes again. Obviously, you are still in a very bad and confused state, but your body is still fighting to survive. He keeps you close to him, his arm still hugging around you. Now that you're conscious again, he wants you to stay that way.


Your voice cracks, you're barely able to talk at all.

Hearing you say his name, he looks down at you with all the relief he could possibly feel. Yet, he is still concerned. Just because you have just come back to consciousness, the state you're in isn't any less serious.


Your weak voice is hard for him to really hear, but he understands you nonetheless. He starts to gently stroke your hair.

"We're in the bus to Nuremberg right now. You just passed out, you lost consciousness for a few moments."

"How long..."

Bucky gulped, debating whether to be honest or to calm you down. But he knows there is no point in lying.

"It's about two hours since you passed out. We've been on this bus for about one and a half hours..."

"We need to... We..."

"Just take it easy. We're almost there. You just need to rest right now."

Your vision is still blurred and you can't see clearly, but you can feel the bus crowding up which makes you nervous. Considering the bad state you're in, someone might get suspicious or call an ambulance. And that shouldn't be happening. You couldn't draw any more attention on you. This is getting too dangerous.

"We need to... go..."

He knows exactly why you're saying this. He's had similar thoughts, he just didn't know if you could make it. But the crowd here seems to become a problem. Someone is gonna notice how sick and unstable you are.

"You're right. We need to go. We're close enough to the city. Let me get up and we'll get off the bus."

You nod and try to push yourself back up into a sitting position. But the moment you put too much weight on your right arm, you can't help but to cry at the pain. He immediately notices and so he gently supports your back by placing his hands behind you, lifting you up, taking some pressure off the arm and allowing you to sit properly. He doesn't even bother responding to this. He knows you're hurting and he's just trying to help you without even thinking about it.

You try your hardest to stay awake and somewhat focused.



He seems confused.

"When they ask... Tell them... I'm on drugs..."

His eyes widen when you say this. You're barely conscious and yet here you are, already coming up with a cover up. Your mind is so much stronger than he would have ever guessed. He understands and agrees by nodding his head. You can't help but give him a very, very fainted smirk. When you do, that just melts his heart.

The next station approaches and you nod at him. You need his help to get you off the bus but you cannot risk staying any longer in a crowded small space like the bus right now. He's going to do his best to just get you back into a secure, safe place where you can be properly be taken care off.

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