Chapter Twenty Three

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High Watch, Rhode Island

February 9th, 2016

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When Camila gets in fights, she doesn't apologize.

There's usually nothing to apologize for. If she fought the person, they deserved it and don't deserve an apology.

But when her favorite blonde- other than Dalia- came to her and asked politely if she could apologize to Tom, she couldn't help but say yes. Why wouldn't she say yes when the girl was looking at her with those pretty blue eyes she can never say no to?

So that's why she finds herself here, meeting the actor for a coffee right after her hockey practice. Taylor has barely spoken to her since it happened, but if this is what the blonde needs to become her friend again, Camila will do it. She'll do anything.

"Hello mate!" Tom is cheery and happy, drinking a small sip of his coffee before he gets up to shake her hand. He's a nice guy and he treats Taylor right, so Camila truly cannot figure out why she hates him so much.

He asked Taylor for her coffee order- a hot chocolate- so that's sitting on the table across from his seat when he leads her to the table.

The jacket, her leather jacket, is resting next to his bag, and though her eyes stay glued to it, she makes no move to take it from him.

"I'm so glad you could meet me, Miss Davis." He says, pulling out her chair for her.

Camila clears her throat, forcing herself not to make a face when the chocolate drink burns her mouth. She needs to get this over with. "Please, call me Camila. Or Milly. That's what my mates call me."

Tom nods. "Then call me Tom."

She notices now, he seems nervous. His arms are crossed over his chest as if protecting himself, and Camila finds herself wondering if he's scared.

She doesn't like being scary.

"I'm sorry." Camila starts, popping her fingers nervously.

He seems a bit surprised, but he can tell she has more to say so he simply nods and smiles slightly.

"The jacket means a lot to me, but there was no reason to ever put hands on you. It was downright disrespectful...and I'm sorry."

The actor stares for a minute, then he slowly takes a drink off his coffee. Is he going to fucking say something?

Then, he surprises her a bit.

He grabs the leather jacket, gently placing it in her lap.

"Taylor told me what it means to you." She tries her hardest not to care if Taylor truly told him what she told her in the locker room a few days ago. "I never would've worn it had I known. Thank you for the apology, and here's your jacket."

She hesitates for a second, as if worried he's going to take it from her, then quickly picks it up and pulls it on. It smells like Taylor, showing the blonde has worn it recently with the way her perfume laces it.

Camila is silent for a moment, and all Tom can think about is that this woman, the one curling into herself and looking about ready to cry in relief, looks nothing like the woman that was getting ready to punch him a few days ago.

This is the Camila Taylor talks about.

"Thank you." She mumbles quietly, downing her hot drink before she quickly stands up and places some money on the table. "Sorry again. I have to go."

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