Chapter Thirty

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Roseville, California

April 9th, 2016


"Doctor Meredith Grey!" Camila groans, rolling her eyes and holding her scratched hand close to her chest. The cat just licks at her paw like she didn't do anything, and it seems to be enough for Taylor as the blonde doesn't bat an eye. "Oh I'm okay Tay. Doesn't worry your pretty little head about a thing. It's not like I'm gonna bleed out."

Taylor chuckles, shaking her head and kissing her palm. "See? All better."

Camila will admit the scratch does feel a bit better now.

She's in the backseat of the car with Taylor, Fred and Leo in front driving, and she's using this time to try and get the cats currently sleeping peacefully in their crates to like her. Her and Olivia are cool, cuddling constantly. She was easy to bribe with treats. But she can't exactly say the same about Meredith.

They're on their way to breakfast after they drop the cats off with Selena, a last minute decision when Camila told Taylor over facetime right before bed last night that she's so nervous about today.

The day she's going to go pick up her new foster son, Ronan, from the hospital.

Taylor offered to be there when it happens, just for support, and she could practically see the extra stress shredding off Camila's shoulders. She never would've guessed she was nervous though. Camila always keeps a level head- goes with the flow, isn't affected by so much. Everyone knows fostering a kid will be a light breeze for her.

But the blonde had found her girl crying in her bedroom while saying that she didn't know if she could handle losing another child, so maybe that isn't true.

So now here they are, pretending like she wasn't helping Camila through a panic attack twenty minutes ago, and taking the brit out for breakfast while the kids hang out with Kaylee. Jasper's got chemotherapy today, then once he's done they'll finalize everything with Ronan's social worker, let him and his sister hang out for a bit, and then they'll take him home and get him settled.

Camila's knee bounces up and down in the car, even when Taylor's hand rests on it to try and calm her down, and she nervously bites her lip despite how many times the blonde has gotten her to stop so she doesn't bite through it.

They get to the breakfast place Taylor has gotten a private table in the back at after leaving the kids (cats) with Selena, nodding towards Fred in thanks when he opens their door for them and follows about four feet behind them until sitting down at a table near theres.

The brit just continues to nervously scratch at her hand and bounce her knee, not even glancing at the menu as Taylor does the same.

Neither knows it's for a similar reason. Nerves. Just different kinds.

"Alright. You're gonna scratch off your skin. Stop it." Taylor eventually says with a sigh, moving to sit next to Camila so she can hold her hand under the table in an attempt to get her to stop. It works.

The brit sighs, leaning her head on Taylor's shoulder as she whispers, "I'm so nervous. What if he doesn't like his room? What if he doesn't like his clothes and toys? What if he doesn't like me? I've been a mom since I was seventeen, but I was a child. I didn't know how to raise kids." Taylor huffs, about to speak, but Camila just continues to rant.

"The first night I brought Jasper home, I didn't have a car, so me and Carlos walked with him in our arms all the way home because we forgot to buy a stroller or carrier. We were so immature, god. It's a surprise these kids are alive. They like me because I'm fun. I let them have sugar when they want it, I let them handle their own homework on their own time instead of forcing them, I let them stay up late with me. I'm not strict like other moms. But what if that isn't a good thing? What if my mom was right? What if teenage moms truly aren't good moms? I like to be fun and childish, but I remember being nineteen, casually saying in a mommy and me group that I let Jasper choose when he wants a nap. It was like I told them I gave him alcohol. What if I'm not a good mom, Tay? What if I ruin Ronan's life?"

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