Chapter Thirty-Six

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Roseville, California

April 30th, 2016


Sometimes, Dalia gets confused.

Mama says it's okay, and that she'll always be there to help her. And that makes her feel special and all cozy. But it still makes her feel sad when all the other kids in daycare can figure out something she can't.

Like today, when Mr Stanley sets a huge wooden block down in the middle of the circle during circle time. It's got different shaped holes in it like triangles, circles, squares. Then, each kid gets about ten different blocks, all ones of pretty colors that will fit into certain holes on the bigger wooden block. Like a huge, three year old version puzzle.

All the kids jump up in excitement to race each other, Dalia taking a moment to admire the blue on her circle block before she stands up as well and kneels next to it and her friend Mikey. She tries to put it in one of the spaces, but it won't go in, and she begins to become more and more upset when all the other kids have less and less pieces and she's still on the first one.

Mr Stanley kneels behind her, hand patting her shoulder as he smiles reassuringly.

"No honey...try it again." He softly says, but his eyebrows are furrowed together in concern when he watches her tug on her legging in thought before trying to shove the circle shaped block into a triangle shaped hole.

He coos, handing her a triangle block to which she grins and tries to put it in the circle shaped hole.

"We....we've been doing this all month Dalia. You remember don't you?"

She looks at him like he's stupid. Obviously she remembers. she looks over the block one more time, all the holes looking the same, she decides maybe she's just a little confused. Mama says it's okay to be confused though, so ignores Mr Stanley and instead goes to sit at her corner table to color.

When it's time to go home, mama picks her up. Mama picks her up and Taylor drops her off, and even though she misses Taylor, she knows she'll be waiting for at home when they get back.

"Mama!" Dalia screams in excitement, ignoring her coloring page to rush over and jump into her moms waiting arms.

"Hey you been today mate?"

The blonde shrugs, rambling on and on about how Mikey got shoved off the swings by Jackson, and they got animal crackers. Camila listens to all of it with a smile, but it becomes less genuine when Dalia's daycare instructor, Mr Stanley, stops them before they can leave the building.

"Mrs Davis!" He greets, and she tries her hardest not to cringe at the title. I was hoping I could talk to you a bit about little miss Dalia over her." She almost curses under her breath but stops herself. The last time they wanted to do that, she was told Dalia had decided to go on a biting spree and bit ten kids during recess.

Camila sighs, setting Dalia down and instructing her to go hang out on the play set while she talks to Mr Stanley.

"Well...thank you for taking the time, first of all. I know you're a busy busy bee that's why you didn't come to our fundraiser for the

She nods, biting her lip before she mumbles, "Yeah well i was halfway across the world but donated double the amount you needed so take it or leave it."

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