Chapter Twenty-Five

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Roseville, California

February 15th, 2016 

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Camila is at work when it first happens.

Taylor shows up at the arena in California, carrying around a giant bouquet, and in the distance, Camila can see like 20 more workers walk in with bouquets as well.

She's in the middle of running drills and the sight is kinda funny and blondie always manages to catch her off guard with those eyes, so she quickly falls over and Charlie is able to get the puck away from her. She groans, sitting up off the ice and glaring at the laughing boy.

His eyes fall to Taylor who is hesitantly knocking on the glass, holding up the flowers before she points to the hall that leads to Camila's locker room and motions for all the workers to follow her.

Georgie, Charlie, and Nate crowd around her, gently nudging her as they ask teasingly, "What's that all about?"

She hasn't exactly told them about what happened. Not because she doesn't want to- they used to be who she told everything. But because she isn't so sure how she could tell them a famous billionaire drunkenly kissed her and then went and helped her boyfriend cut his birthday cake and made out with him.

She can practically see the headlines already with the way Charlie can never keep his fucking mouth shut.

"Nothing. It was nothing. I think we's a gift. I think."

Coach calls out for a five minute break, winking at her and pointing towards the locker room before he turns around and starts whispering to his assistant coach with a grin. Fucking hockey players; always the gossipers.

Taylor is standing outside Camila's locker room, smiling nervously with one rose in her hand. The door is open, and Camila quickly looks inside to see her entire locker room filled with flower bouquets. The place smells wonderful, but the brit has never been the biggest fan of flowers.

"What's this?" She's still a bit bitter towards the blonde, but the sight of her ring hanging on a chain on the girl's neck still, after all this time, brings a slightly warm feeling to her chest that calls her down a little.

"Flowers. An apology. And a um....and a request...I guess." Taylor stutters out, popping her fingers as she shifts from leg to leg in nervousness. Camila slightly smiles, leaning against the doorframe as she sighs.

Taylor hesitantly steps a bit closer, as if testing the waters, and then she carefully holds one of Camila's hands. "I was so shitty. I just left you there, and then you went home...and I woke the next morning just wishing I had stayed and talked to you. I...I really, really like you Milly. And it's okay if you don't feel the same way, but I...I had to tell you."

Camila nods, eyes fixated on her skates. Taylor sounds sincere, but one question is still in the front of her brain;

"Did you break up with Tom?"

The blonde is silent for a minute, staring at the floor. That's all Camila needs to know. She scoffs, closing the locker room door and beginning to make her way back to the ice rink with the girl trailing closely behind her.

"I didn't! I want to, I swear! I really like you Ace! But-" She rambles on, but the brit cuts her off by standing still and letting her run in her back before she turns around to face her.

"No. There are no "but's". I've been cheated on before. It's such a shitty feeling. Even if I don't like him, I would never do that to Tom. Break up with him, and then you can come talk to me." Taylor is focusing on what she's saying, but then all she can hear is that if Tom isn't around...she has a shot with Camila.

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