Chapter Twenty Six

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Roseville, California

February 16th, 2016

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Have you ever just woken up one day and gone, "What the fuck is happening?"

Camila has.

It's a feeling she feels a lot, like when she woke up to find Kaylee and Reese standing over her wearing devil masks or when she woke up to the feeling of her daughter puking on her at 4 o'clock in the morning.

Right now though, she doesn't feel anger or disgust, she's just confused.

Why is she naked?

Her clothes are littered on the floor in a trail from the bedroom door, but alongside those are someone else's wet clothing.

She rubs her face to rub away the sleep in her eyes, reaching out her hand to find her phone in the bed but instead comes in contact with someone's bare back.

Is Taylor here?

The sleepiness is finally fading, so she yawns and looks over at where her hand rests. Then, she screams.

"Cara?! Why the fuck are you in my bed?! Naked?!"

Cara hums in annoyance, scratching her scalp. "what?"

Camila swats her hand repeatedly at her back, rushing to get up and grab whatever clothes she can find from her closet as the other girl sits up in bed and almost screams as well until her friend throws a pillow at her head too get her to shut up.

"The kids are sleeping Cara! Get up and get out! Holy shit." She's panicking, getting dressed quickly before throwing the yet clothes off the floor and throws them at the model.

Cara stares at them for a second before she awkwardly asks, "Can I...can I get some dry clothes?" Camila groans in frustration, throwing one of her California Cobras t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants at the girl. Cara is much shorter then her so the clothes will be baggy, but it truly doesn't matter right now.

She just needs to get the girl out of her house before the kids wake up, and then she needs to sit in her bed and internally panic about what the fuck happened.

She doesn't even remember how it had started.

Cara had showed up late at night, rambling on while Camila was making her tea, and then suddenly they were kissing, and Cara was moving them to the brits bedroom with her hands moving all over her.

The memory makes Camila feel sick to her stomach.

Not in disgust, but just in guilt.

Why does she feel guilty? And why does she feel like she's cheating on someone?

"I'm so sorry Milly. I don't know what I was thinking." Cara rambles, dressing quickly as Camila practically shoves her out of the room. She looks around the hallway like a spy before pushing her friend out, walking her all the way to the entryway with a nervous arua before she opens the door.

"You weren't....we weren't thinking. But this can't happen again. You need to leave. Don't tell anyone." With that she pushes Cara out on the doorstep, quickly closing the door before she groans, leaning her head on the wooden door.

She was rude, and they should have a real conversation about this eventually, but right now, all she can think about is how bad she feels.

Why does she feel so bad about it?

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