Goodbye, Old Friend - Part 2

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*2 Months Ago*

The chaos had already ensued. Nick, U and T flew into an abandoned parking lot inside a building, the three of them were having trouble breathing. The panic and the fact that they were being chased didn't give them space to think of a way out, all they could do was hide. T approached the parking lot entrance to see if they had lost what was chasing them, while Nick and U faced another problem: Nick's chest was hit by nanite acid. 

- We lost them. U, quick! Use your saliva to cure him - T ordered looking at the street.

U was desperate and Nick couldn't get up, couldn't even listen. U laid him on the ground and used his saliva to heal him, it took a few seconds until Nick began to calm down.

- Nick... NICK!... - Nick could hear U calling him, from the way she was talking you could tell she was desperate - Nick, WAKE UP! You can't die now, you idiot! - U was so desperate, that tears began to fall from her visor.



Nick's systems began to reboot. Nick's vision was blurred, all he could see was a female silhouette, and it looked like her head was resting on something soft. When Nick regained his vision, he could see an image he thought impossible: U was looking at him with tears in his eyes.

- U... Is that you? - Nick asked, putting his hand on his head.

U was elated and hugged her friend tightly. Nick had never seen U like this, she had never hugged him before and he had never seen U cry. Nick returned the hug, but when they separated, U slapped him across the face. 

- YOU IMBECIL! THE NEXT TIME YOU TAKE A RISK LIKE THIS, I'LL GUARANTEE YOU'LL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN!! - U shouted while shaking the Worker by the collar of his coat, but then she calmed down and hugged him again, and Nick reciprocated.

- They're coming... - T warned, joining the duo.

The three hid inside a car in the back and remained silent. Outside, something had caused a huge bang, it seemed like a rocket had landed near the place, but there wasn't just one noise, but several at the same time. T opened the car door and looked at the entrance to the parking lot, and what he saw scared him. What had entered inside were the Squads B1, B2 and B3 of Murder Drones that were sent by the humans. The squads had 9 Murders, 3 were women and 6 were men, the women were: A, R and Z, the leader of Squad B2, and the men were: K, W, S, D, and the leaders X, the leader of Squad B3, and the most ruthless of Murders, I, the leader of Squad B1. Nick, U and T were nervous when they saw I, he was known for being a merciless Murder who only cared about his job, and he was the one who injured Nick with nanite acid when the Worker tried to attack him.

- We better split up, the damned ones could be anywhere. X, take your squad south. Z, take your squad north. Me, K and A are going to look around here - I ordered with a scary look.

- Right! - Everyone agreed at the same time.

The other squads flew to the right locations, while Squad B1 decided to leave that place. Nick, U and T were relieved to see them leaving, but T accidentally let the car door fall to the ground, catching the attention of that squad leader. I found that strange and started approaching the vehicle, leaving the trio scared. T prepared his cannon for the moment I approached, I had already reached the vehicle with his claws ready, but when he was about to find the trio, another noise caught his attention, an explosion. 

- It must be them - I said flying out of the parking lot.

The trio were relieved, but Nick, U and T didn't have the courage to get out of the car. Nick sat in the car seat to confirm that I had left. 

Murder Drones (Swap AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora