Cursed Encounter

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*6:00 AM*

An alarm sounded on Nick's visor, causing the Worker to wake up with a start. Nick looked around and saw that U was nowhere to be found. The little Worker started to calm down, but he couldn't get that memory out of his head, Nick was haunted by that memory for several days, that was one of the reasons that made Nick leave Copper 9. He also couldn't get rid of the memories of that day. For a long time, Nick could hear U crying silently in his room, which made his core hurt, so they decided to leave the planet early. Nick and U were not even free in space, because they ended up being followed by some ships that were built by JcJenson, luckily they managed to land on an isolated planet that had no sign of life and managed to lose their pursuers. What they didn't know was that it would be on that planet that they would be called by the Watcher.

- Damn memories! - Nick left the room with a sad face.

Nick went to the kitchen and found the place empty. Nick saw a note in the microwave, written: 

 "Nick, I had to leave early, I left your breakfast in the microwave. Good morning!"

Nick opened the microwave and saw his uncle's food. Nick placed the food on the table and began to enjoy his breakfast. After Nick finished eating and washing the plate, Nick went looking for U around the house.

- U, are you here? - Nick called his friend.

- I AM HERE!! - Nick heard a scream coming from the room.

Nick went into the living room and saw U watching TV on the couch. On TV, he was showing a documentary about the Workers that was explaining how they work. Nick walked over to the couch and sat on U's side.

- Why are you watching this documentary? - Nick asked, while watching the documentary.

- I saw this tape on the TV and decided to watch it - U showed Nick a box of tape with the phrase "Worker Drones - How do they work?" written in the center.

- I've seen this tape several times, it's really good - Nick said, curling up on the sofa and focusing on the TV.

Nick and U viewed each instruction on the tape: "How Were They Made?", "How Were Their Systems Set Up?" and, the strangest, "How to Prevent Them from Contaminating Them?". This last piece of information left Nick and U in doubt.

- I never understood that last part, I don't know what they mean by "contaminate themselves" - Nick said, leaving U more confused. 

- How come you never understood? You are a Worker - U mocked poking the Worker's head.

- There's no need to make fun of me - Nick said, poking U's head twice.

- Ahh... So you want war? - U said, starting to poke Nick's face.

Nick and U started poking each other with more speed. U went down a little further and started poking Nick's chest. Nick liked the idea and did the same thing, but he discovered something that surprised him: U felt ticklish and she started laughing outrageously when Nick started poking her chest.

- HAHA HA. Nick- HA HA HA. Stop it- HA HA HA HA. ENOUGH! -U begged while laughing at the tickle she was receiving.

Nick ignored it and continued with the game. U had laid down on the couch, while he started to feel sick from laughing so much. After a while, Nick stopped playing and let U breathe. Nick was watching U recover, thinking she would sit down soon, but U did something different. Nick couldn't react as he was thrown to the other side of the couch.

- U? W-what are you doing? - Nick asked, gargling in embarrassment, as U was on top of him.

- Do you think you can play with me without going unpunished? - U asked with an evil look. 

Murder Drones (Swap AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora