The Prom - Part 2

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Everyone was having fun. Vick and Jane were dancing together with T, while Mark was talking to the parents and teachers. Mark stopped talking to the Workers and started looking around. His worry about Nick and U's absence was only growing. A white light came on on the dance stage and Jane was there.

- Okay, listen here, nerds – Jane said into the microphone – We're going to elect the king and queen early. We were going to start with the king, but as the candidates mysteriously disappeared... We'll have to choose someone who is here.

Everyone looked at each other, some were arguing over who they could elect. T clearly didn't know who to elect, since he didn't know anyone. He thought about electing Nick as the king, but Nick and U hadn't arrived yet, which made T a little suspicious.

- LET'S ELECT THE MURDER!! - A Worker shouted in the distance, drawing everyone's attention, including T's.

Everyone looked at the Murder and started shouting for him to get on stage. T was surprised by the Workers' actions, he had barely arrived at the party and had already gained everyone's respect. T heard the Workers' requests and climbed onto the stage using his wings. Everyone was busy cheering T, who didn't see Cyn sneak into the party, she had an evil smile on her face, as she looked at T and held the flyer with the Prom King candidates who had died.

- Well, since we forgive him and Nick is alive because of his sacrifice, we can elect him. NOW APPLAUD, LOSERS!! - Jane ordered, shouting into the microphone.

Everyone started applauding and praising T for being the new Prom King. T was looking at the Workers cheering him, he was confused and nervous at the same time.

- You look very sexy in that outfit – Vick appeared with the king's crown and placed it on T's head.

- SPEECH. SPEECH. SPEECH!! - Everyone was asking T to give a speech.

Mark was happy that T had gained everyone's trust. Mark decided that he would look for Nick and U to see T's speech, but when he got close to the door, a barrier had protruded. Mark understood that something or someone had trapped everyone inside and began to worry.

- Okay, I... I've never given a speech in my life, but... Everything has its first time – T started waving to all the Workers.

Meanwhile, in the crowd, Cyn had the Absolute Solver symbol on her visor and she was starting to laugh silently, waiting for T to get on top of the "X" that was behind the microphone. Vick and Jane were seeing T approaching the microphone, but their attention turned to the "X" behind the microphone, finding it a little suspicious. Cyn was looking directly at T, as she created a Solver symbol on her left hand. T was about to start her speech, Cyn pointed the symbol on her hand to T, but before she did anything, someone behind her had caught her attention.

- AH HA! - Nick e U haviam entrado pelo teto, fazendo todos olharem para eles.

- Unhand them, you fie- - Nick didn't finish his sentence, because he didn't know what was happening - -eend... I'm confused.

Cyn aimed her symbol at T again and this time, she managed to knock the Workers in front of her away. Two metal bars pierced T's arms, causing him to be trapped on top of the "X". T saw Cyn use her powers to throw Vick and Jane away. Then, he looked ahead and saw all the Workers screaming and running in panic, while Cyn slowly walked towards his.

- Hello, T-D – Cyn greeted T, before blasting a Worker who was running in front of him.

Cyn used her powers to invade T's memories. Suddenly, T was seeing a vision from the past, where he was killing two Workers, who were none other than Khan and Ria. T was holding Khan's head, while laughing maniacally with his 'x' on his visor. There, was the Worker that Khan and Ria had hidden, the Worker had regained her sight and unfortunately, she saw how T had murdered his parents. While she was covering her mouth to keep from screaming, the Absolute Solver symbol had appeared on her visor. T came back to reality and saw how Cyn was looking hatefully at him.

Murder Drones (Swap AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora