Broken Ties - Part 1

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*3 Months Ago*

The inside of the Corpse Tower was completely silent. Snow fell along with a strong storm, freezing everything outside. Inside the tower, the capsule seemed empty, everything was in its place, except the computer, which was still damaged. The environment was calm, until an alarm noise began to ring on Nick's visor.


*6:00 AM*

Nick hit him in the face to stop the alarm. The little Worker got up from the bed where he was sleeping, which was the bed of the former squad leader, L. After L died, Nick used that room to rest, as he didn't want to sleep on the floor. Nick left the room and went to the computer room, the Worker took his wrench to begin his work of repairing the capsule. The systems were compromised, but Nick was already used to fixing devices that didn't seem fixable, and fixing that monitor would be easy for Nick. The problem is that he started making noise while dismantling the damaged parts of the computer, which ended up waking up a certain Murder Drone who was in a bad mood, or rather, chained up.

- STOP THAT NOISE, YOU SLUT DRONE!! -Nick heard the scream of his "room neighbor", T.

The scream left Nick quite scared, so much so that he was paralyzed for a few seconds. The Worker knew that T was angry about being chained, so he tried to avoid him as much as possible, only U had the courage to get close to him. It had been a week since T was chained, U had to feed him every day and that bothered Nick, because he knew that the only way to keep him alive was with the Workers' oil. Nick always noticed the look in U's eyes when she left T's room, she looked like she had just killed a dog, which made him more worried about their relationship.

- "How is he in there?" - Nick thought looking at the door to T's room.

Nick sat in a chair to think about how he could improve the situation for the two Murders, but unfortunately no ideas popped into his head. Nick stayed there for so long, that when he realized it was already 7:30 in the morning, Nick opened the capsule's exit and saw that U was still sleeping on the roof of the tower. Nick didn't have much choice, he had to face the fear alone. 

- "I can't believe I'm doing this!" - Nick thought, filling a gallon with some of his oil.

Nick took out his Railgun and stopped in front of T's bedroom door, the Worker was so scared, it looked like he was facing the gates of hell. Nick reached for the button that would open the door, but he couldn't press it. Nick thought about giving up, but he remembered that he would need all the help he could get to fight the other Murders in the company.

- "Be strong, Nick" - Nick found the courage to open the door.

Nick saw that the lights in the room were off and decided to turn them on, then he realized that it would be better to leave them off. Nick's gaze fell on T chained to a chair, who had just woken up because of the Worker, the Murder was looking at Nick with a cold look, he certainly didn't want to be woken up.

-G-good morning, T - Nick almost couldn't speak and his greeting was completely ignored.

Nick started walking towards T, while holding the gallon tightly. The Worker placed the gallon near T, hoping he would take it to eat.

- What is that? - T asked looking at Nick.

- I-I thought I was hungry, so I filled this gallon with my oil - Nick said, losing almost all the courage he had in his body.

T looked at Nick with a suspicious look, it was difficult for him to believe in someone who was behind his leader's death, but T smelled the oil and changed his expression. In one quick movement, T grabbed the gallon and started drinking the oil quickly, it seemed like he liked the taste.

Murder Drones (Swap AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora