Mia's POV

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I open my eyes up with a start as I hear my front door open. I groan, my head feels like it has nails in it and I'm not in my bed, I'm in Chris's arms. What the fuck? How did that happen? i remember going to bed in my bed last night.

"Babe, I brought you coffee" the voice yells.

Babe? I don't recognize the voice and that scares me. Then I thought that maybe if I were to stay here with Chris he would leave. I was proven wrong as he stepped into the bedroom.

"What the hell! Mia what the fuck is going on here!?" the stranger shouts. All 3 boy wake up fast with alarm in their eyes.

Chris looks at me stunned on the floor and asks "Mia do you remember this guy?"

"What are you talking about? I'm Mia's boyfriend of course she remembers me." The guy says, "Get away from her!"

"Hey!" Matt said, "Don't talk to him like that!"

"Shut the fuck up!" The man said, "You are not the one who just walked in on three boys in your girlfriend's apartment and one of them is holding her hostage!"

"No, I'm not!" Chris said, "I am not making her stay here."

"Okay!" I said as I crawled away from Chris, "I don't know who you are, Chris is my boyfriend."

"No," The guy said as he grabbed my chin and pulled my face closer to him, "I am." I cringed at his touch.

This guy looked so much older, he had dirty blonde hair with bluish-green eyes and he was smiling at me almost psychotically.

"What's happened to you?" He asked, "What did they do to you?"

"Uh, we helped her!" Nick blurted, "She was skateboarding last night at 4 am and she rammed into our minivan on accident. We helped her, she has some kind of amnesia."

"Oh darling," The guy said, "I can see how you got confused but, It's me, Tyler."

I almost gagged as I felt his breath on me, he was now stroking my hair and trying to pull me into him by my waist.

"Please stop." I said, "I don't like this."

"Oh, you will once these guys get out." He said as he went to kiss me.

I pushed away from him but he wouldn't let me go. He started grabbing me even more aggressively and was trying to keep me from walking away.

"HEY!" Chris shouted as he stood up and stood in front of him, "She said stop it, You better let her go right now."

"Yeah man back off," Matt said standing beside Chris, Nick came over so they formed a wall between Tyler and I.

Tyler stopped trying to grab me and stared at him with a defiant smile. "Oh, and what are you going to do about it?"

Chris stared at him with ticked-off eyes, "Try me and see what happens." He said.

Tyler chuckled mockingly then let me go and pushed me to the side, I was kind of relieved that he let me go but with how dizzy I was I fell against the wall and slid to the floor, Nick crawled over to me to see if I was okay.

Suddenly, Chris was angry and he pushed Tyler into a wall. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!? DIDN'T YOU MOTHER EVER TEACH YOU NOT TO HIT A GIRL? HUH?"

Tyler smiled and started to chuckle, "Keep my mother out of your mouth, Mia is mine and there is nothing you can do about it."

Chris made a fist and was about to hit him when Nick yelled "CHRIS! Don't do this! He isn't worth it."

He kept his fist up but didn't punch Tyler, he just stared over his shoulder at Nick's startled eyes and me.

"Tyler," I said, "Please just leave."

Tyler's expression softened, he stared at me and then Chris slowly let him go. He walked slowly over to me.

"So that is it then?" He asked, "After everything that we have been through?"

I didn't answer but my face must've said it all, after a moment he turned around and put his hands in his hair. "I was going to ask you to marry me."

"What?" I asked.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring with a stunning diamond. I gasped and put my hand on my mouth.

"This is yours!" He said, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, don't you want to spend the rest of your days with me?"

I realized that I was crying and I couldn't even remember this guy. He seemed to make me feel super uncomfortable and I wasn't even sure how I had started talking to him let alone marrying him. I looked at Chris who was staring at me with an expression of pure shock.

As I looked at Chris, I felt 100% sure I met him at that concert so why was everyone saying I was wrong, I know Chris. I didn't want to marry Tyler I wanted Chris.

"I'm sorry, no." I said, "I don't want to marry you. Please leave."

Tyler's face changed from an expression of passion to shock and sadness. "So you meet some random man and suddenly you don't love me anymore?"

I didn't answer, I couldn't even look at him I just stared at the floor.

He sighed then stood up and started to walk to the door of my bedroom, he suddenly stopped then turned around and looked mad.

"GO TO HELL YOU SLUT!!" He yelled at me.

I put my hands over my mouth as he stomped to the front door, left, then slammed the door so hard that I think a photo fell from the wall and shattered on the floor.

It was silent for a second then I started to cry. Chris walked to me and said "Hey, hey now. Don't cry, we've got you. We've got you."

The boys all circled me engulfing me in a giant bear hug.

I stood up and just stared at Chris, I wanted to fall into him but I realized that he didn't view me as his girlfriend that's why he was so distant I suddenly felt like we were strangers.

"You can leave now," I said as I walked to the window and looked at the cars zooming past, "I am not your guy's problem. Sorry for causing so many problems"

"Hey it's not your fault," Matt says quietly

I don't look back I just wiped some tears away and waited to hear the three boys leave. I heard footsteps walk away and then the front door closed again.

I sighed and kept staring out the window starting to get lost in thought. How did I get involved in that with a guy like Tyler? How could I not remember him Why out of all of the things that could've happened to me, why this? I felt more tears forming in my eyes and they fell.

Suddenly, someone put their arms around me. I jumped a little then realized that it was Chris. I leaned back into him and he put his chin on my head. I felt so safe in his arms and I never wanted to let him go.

"Thank you." I said between sobs, "I'm so sorry, I don't know why I think I know you I just do."

"It's okay, it is going to be okay. I don't know either but I'm here and I am not going anywhere until we can figure things out for you." He said as he turned me around to hug me.

His strong arms seemed to encase me and I felt like nothing would ever hurt me again. I gently pressed my face into his chest and I started to feel better. 

Amnesia (Chris's version)Where stories live. Discover now