Mia's POV

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"Fuck" I say as I swing my club missing the ball, Chris was grinning as he watched me struggle. The date was going fantastic, Chris showed up to my apartment in a uber hugging me when he greeted me at my door now I'm just embarrassing myself with my terrible sport skills.

"Hey I can feel you smirking, It's your fault I'm so bad at this! Your gaze is messing me up!" I say with a little fake pout.

"Oh come on, you're not that bad you just need a little guidance." He said as he leaned is club against a wall, "Here, let me show you."

I feel him coming up behind me and wrapped his muscular arms around me. He guides my arms back on the club and I can feel his breath on my neck. My knees are about to give out when we swing, the ball flies across the grass and it actually went straight.

"Huh, I guess that you were right." I said as I allowed myself to stay in his hold, I could feel and see his nicely formed chest through his skin tight shirt and it was not helping me to focus on the game.

"See?" He whispers, "You've got this."

After we were done at Top-golf, he took me to the beach and we started walking.

"I cant believe how far you can get the ball to go and you do it with little to no effort" I said, "Like it was so impressive."

"Golf has been my favorite sport. Every Sunday, Nick, Matt, Justin, my Dad, and I would spend the whole day on the course and then coming home to Marylou's homemade cooking" chris says as he puts his arms around my shoulder.

It feels like there are fireworks going off in my stomach, I fight the urge to squeal and wrap my arms around his neck.

"OH MY GOSH ITS CHRIS STURNIOLO AHHHH" we turn as we see a group of teen girls rush to say hi to chris

One of the girls give me the stink eye as they surround us

"Oh hey guys whats up" chris says as the girls crowd him and it feels like our tender moment Is broken. Chris looks at me apologizing, I hold up my hands saying i understand, knowing its part of his job, then I take a couple steps back. All of the sudden I feel hands on my waist pulling my back turning me around revealing Tyler.

"Long time, no see. What's it like to be a traitor?" tyler asks as he grabbed my wrists.

Just then chris calls out "DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!"

He runs towards us at full speed, I step out of the way just in time for chris to knock tyler over. I gasp as they start throwing pouches at one another. 


"SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH ME!" Tyler yelled back.



Neither one of the boys stopped and kept hitting one another, After a minute of the two guys fighting Chris manages to get on top on him and hold Tyler down.

"CHRIS!!" I hear some one yell, I turned around and laugh out of relief as Nick and Matt come running towards us.

"Chris, What the fuck?" Nick asks, "We just wanted to come and surprise you, we didn't expect you to be slamming some guys face in the sand."

"Nice job bro." Matt says as he looks at Tyler on the ground.

I scream as Tyler gets back on top Chris, Chris trys to hit him again but Tyler has him pinned down. Tyler hits him hard a few times before Nick and Matt get Tyler off of him.

Tyler scrambles to his feet and faces the triplets, Chris gets up and wipes the blood off of his mouth and spits out what is in his mouth.

Tyler stares at them with angry eyes and says "This is not over, You may out number me right now but it is far from over."

Amnesia (Chris's version)Where stories live. Discover now