Chapter 15

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I checked the sun-clock on the ground beside me, 25 minutes had passed. The prisoner, whose name I refused to learn, for my own sake, had sprinted off into the woods like demons had chased him. But no demons would chase him, just a bloodthirsty Witch and her dragon, and the woman who had tried to kill the Witch.

I was securely seated on Nuri, and Merikh sat behind me with a smile of anticipation, like any warrior would.

"I'm very excited to kill him, the planning of it all feels good," Merikh commented, brushing her fingers through her hair.

I grinned, "My aunt will like you."

She raised her eyebrows, "Isn't your aunt the retired Queen of Witches, Queen Deyirana?"

I nodded, "She's now the Stewardess of the South, a title she and her daughters will wear proudly."

Merikh perked up, "She has daughters, half-witches?"

I chuckled, "No, every daughter of a Witch is a still a full Witch, there are no halves. Either she is one or she isn't, the deciding factor is if she will use her magic and harness it. Once she begins to do so she is instantly immortal and much more powerful," I explained.

Merikh's eyes seemed to light up, "My mother was a Witch, how come I've never harnessed my powers?"

I shot up instantly, "You're mother was a Witch? What was her name and title?"

"I did not know her name, nor her title. All my father ever told me was that she was a Witch he had an affair with and I was the result, and she left at midnight with a note saying she couldn't take care of me," She said, her shoulders seeming to sag with the sadness of the words.

Well that explained her attitude, and her lethality. It was natural in a Witch, wether we realized it or not. I did not realize it until I was 18, and still I was more powerful than I could ever imagine. Merikh knew she had Witch heritage, but she didn't know the extent of her power. I could help her harness it, as well as my Aunt Deyirana.

I checked the clock, 20 seconds till. I got in position and Merikh mimicked me, and Nuri started flapping her wings furiously. Finally we took off and I instantly spotted him running through the forest, tripping over roots and tree limbs.

Nuri let out a fierce cry and dove straight towards him, and swallowed him whole. She did not hesitate or play with her food, she was as quick and efficient as Merikh's cut.

I started to head back to the castle, I had wasted too much time here, and there was 10 minutes until I would officially be late for the ball. I pressed onto Nuri's side harder, and she shot through the air with such a speed I thought Merikh would fly off of me.

But we landed behind the palace within seconds, and I quickly jumped off, dragging Merikh with me. I pointed towards the doors and the guards knew to escort her to an empty room, they knew me better than most.

I cradled Nuri's head in my arms, "You did so well little one, I'm so proud of you."

She huffed and blew smoke out of her nose onto me, turning the ground around us dead. I laughed and kissed her forehead. She seemed to tell me she wanted to find her siblings, and I sent her off with what almost appeared to be a smile on her face.

I walked into the palace and nearly collided with Calix, who kissed me deeply before speaking, "Word of your adventures have travelled quickly, and you must change and do your hair before we are both late."

I nodded, "Send for a maid please, to braid my hair as I put on the dress."

He nodded and winked, running quickly. I slipped into my dress, marveling at the way the bloody train moved around me. A servant who painfully looked like Anika braided my hair and put it to the side, and sent me away with a black mask.

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