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"Sara go grab your glove so we can play catch in the yard" said Mark.
"Ok I'll be out in a minute" I said.
I went to put my phone on the charger when I got a Twitter notification. It was a DM from Shawn.
DM from Shawn:
Hey what's your number?
DM to Shawn:
Hi! It's 555-765-1234
DM from Shawn:
Ok! Thank you. I'll text you.
I locked my phone and plugged it in. I grabbed my glove and ran outside.
"So what's up with you and Shawn" asked Mark.
"We're friends, well kinda more" I said
"Trust me he is just going to use you. I've known him for a while and I know what he does. He is just going to end up hurting you." said Mark.
"You know people can change right, he's nice to me!" I said.
"Ya sure, that's how it starts but he will take advantage of you. He will text you and talk to you in school and be nice. He will ask you to hang out and he will be all over you. He will tell you he loves you and ask if you love him. You'll probably say yes cause you'll fall for him. He'll keep going and one thing leads to another. You know where this goes. You'll come home and he'll text you about it and then boom, he will cut you off and won't look at you ever again. I know guys like him and I know him!" Said Mark
"But he's not like that!!" I said
"How long have you known him, like really known him?" Mark said
"Like a day-ish" I said
"Ya and I've known him since little league, so I think I win"..."Sara I'm just trying to protect you I don't want you to get hurt, you're my little sister."
"Thank you but it's my life! I want to get to know him and stay friends with him! Maybe even more!" I said.
"No!" Said Mark.
"Whatever" I said.
"Can we just go to the field and go batting" I asked.
"Sure" said Mark.
I hopped into his car and we drove to the field. When we got there, we realized there were 2 kids already on the field. One of them was pitching and the other one was catching. As we got closer we realized the pitcher was wearing a Malden high baseball shirt. My brother jogged up a bit to see who it is.
"Aye Jason what's up kid" said Mark.
Jason turned around as we both walked on the field. I walked a little bit behind Mark because Jason didn't really know me. Mark ran up to Jason and they started talking. The catcher took his mask off and it was Shawn. He smiled at me and started walking over. I went over to him and before I could even say hi my brother picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
"Sorry Shawn gotta do a little workout." said Mark.
Mark starting running the bases with me over his shoulder and Jason was cracking up. He rounded 3rd and came into home plate. He put me down and then told me to get my bat. I had Shawn as the catcher, Jason as the pitcher and Mark as a fielder. Jason lobbed one in and I hit it over the fence for a home run. Jason turned back slowly and watch it fly over the fence.
"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean you have to go easy on me." I said.
"You're really good at hitting" said Jason
"Thanks" I said as I hit another.
"You look good doing it too" said Shawn.
I turned around to face him and laughed.
I hit a few more.
"It's starting to get dark I think we should head out" said Mark.
I ran in and said "ya I still need to finish my biology homework"
Shawn came up behind me and said "nerd" and we all laughed, except Mark who just got a little mad. Mark and I started walking to the car and as we said good bye to Jason and Shawn.
"Wait I got to go talk to them about something here are the keys" Mark said as he threw them at me.
"Ok I'll be in the car" I said
Mark started walking towards Jason's car.
I can't believe this. My little sister and Shawn? No. Not happening.
"Hey Shawn can I talk to you?" I said
"Ya sure" said shawn.
"I'm sorry I've been kinda mean to you lately, I love you man but it's just this whole thing with you trying to be with my little sister Sara." I said
"It's ok you're just protecting her, I know how I've been in the past but I like your sister, in a way I've never really felt before. I'm going to be different. I'm not going to be the guy that gets with every girl and treats them like shit. I'm not going to be an asshole. I'm going to change." said Shawn.
"I'd love to believe you but I know how you are, it's how you've always been. I don't want you using her and hurting her, physically and emotionally." I said.
"I would never" said Shawn.
"I really want to believe you but I just can't. I can't risk it. She's my little sister" I said
"Ya I understand but what you don't understand is that I WILL change and that I like Sara, who happens to be your little sister." said Shawn.
I couldn't take it anymore I was so mad so I just walked away before I did something.

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