The date

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Shawn and I  have been texting back and forth for about a week now and have gotten to know each other pretty well. With baseball starting, he hasn't had much time to hangout but he has today off (Saturday). He said that he is going to take me on a date and to dress casual, so I put on a pair of light jean shorts with a few rips on them and a red v neck shirt. I wore my hair natural, which was wavy and a pair of white converse. I put on eye liner and mascara, only a little though. Shawn recently got his license so he said that he would pick me up at 3:30. I look at the clock and its 3 so I turn on the tv to kill some time. Before I knew it Shawn knocked on my door and I answered it. Both of my parents came over and met Shawn. Shawn was a bit intimidated by my dad but he tried to be cool about it.
"Take good care of her" my dad said
"Will do sir" Shawn said as we walked to his car.
"You look great today Sara" Shawn said as we both hopped in the car.
"Thank you" I said with a little blush.
"You look good today too" I said.
Shawn was wearing a pair of light cargo shorts and a dark blue t-shirt.
He pulled out of the drive way and we started driving.
"So where are we going?" I asked
"If I tell you, it will ruin the surprise." He said with a big smile of his face.
About 10 minutes later we pulled up to pirates cove mini golf.
"I love this place!" I said as we walked over to the little hut with the golf clubs and golf balls.
"Two please." Shawn said pulling out his wallet.
"10 dollars please" the boy said handing us golf clubs. "What color golf balls would you guys like" he said pointing to the rack with all of them.
"I'll take the blue one" Shawn said looking at me.
"The cow print one please" I said.
He handed us the golf balls as Shawn handed him the money.
"Thank you" Shawn said.
We walked over to the first hole and he put his ball down and hit it. It started rolling towards the whole and went in.
"Hole in one!!!" He screamed throwing his club up in the air.
"You didn't tell me you are pro in mini golf" I said as I laughed.
"It's my second life, it's a secret though" Shawn said "you get the beeesst of both worlds..." Shawn sung as we both laughed.
It was my turn now and I got it in with 3 hits.
About 25 minutes later we were on the last hole.
"Since I'm absolutely murdering you right now, let's say who ever wins this hole wins it all" Shawn said.
"Sounds good" I said as I watched him swing his club. He almost got another hole in one but it rolled right past it.
"Ughhhhh" he said putting his ball in the hole.
I put my ball down and hit it. It started rolling towards the hole and it went in.
"Hole in one!!!" I screamed mimicking Shawn.
"So I guess I kinda just won." I said as we returned our clubs and balls.
"I can't believe I lost" Shawn said pretending to be sad.
"Ya what happened to your second life? Thought you were pro." I said with a smirk.
"Well people were getting suspicious, I didn't want to be recognized." He said laughing.
"That is very true" I said as we got in line for ice cream.
I got cookie dough in a cone and Shawn got mint chocolate chip in a cone. We sat at a picnic table and started talking.
"Well congrats on making varsity" I said while licking my ice cream.
"Thanks Sara" he said looking up from his ice cream with a smile.
"You did really good in the scrimmage yesterday." I said
"Thanks, I wish you'd be able to play" he said
"I do too" I said
We kept talking about random stuff eating our ice cream.
I looked at my phone and it was 5:30.
"We should probably head home." Shawn said getting up as I did too. We started walking to the car and he drove me home.
He pulled into my driveway and walked me up to my porch.
"Thank you I had a really good time today" I said
"Thanks, I did too" Shawn said kissing my cheek.
"Goodbye Sara" Shawn said walking away.
"Bye shawn" I said opening my front door and going up to my room. I changed into some comfy clothes and jumped on my bed. Wow. I can believe it. I was just on a date with Shawn Earl.

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