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Shawn knocked at my door at exactly 8:50 and we went out to breakfast. We went to Shawn's favorite, McQuirres diner.
"Table for two please" Shawn said to the hostess.
"Ok right this way" she said with menus in her hands.
She sat us down at a 2 person booth and gave us our menus.
"How'd you hear about this place? It's so cute!" I said
"Me and my dad came here a lot when I was young" Shawn said
"That's so cool" I said to Shawn as the waiter came over.
"Can I start you off with any drinks today" he said looking up at Shawn.
"Hey! You're the varsity catcher for Malden high right!" He asked
"Yep that's me" Shawn said with a smile.
"Wow, I've seen you play. You've got some serious skill." He said
"Thank you" Shawn said "and I would like an orange juice please" Shawn added
"Ok and for you pretty young lady" he asked making me blush a bit.
"Apple juice would be great. Thank you" I said.
"Ok I'll be right back with that" he said leaving the table.
"Someone's famous" I said with a little laugh
"Hey, at least he didn't recognize me as the pro mini golf player" he said as I died laughing.
The waiter gave us our drinks and asked if we were ready to order.
"I'll have the short stack of blue berry pancakes and a side of home fries please" Shawn said handing his menu to the waiter.
"I'll have the Belgium waffle please" I said also handing him my menu.
"Is whipped cream and strawberries good for the toppings?" He asked
"That'd be great" I told him
"Ok your order will be out soon" he said
The waiter walked away and it was just me and Shawn.
"So I've kinda been dying to ask you a question" Shawn said
"Ok shoot it at me" I said
"Would you be my girlfriend? He said scratching the back of his neck.
"Yes I would love to" I said as it instantly brought a smile to both our faces.
"Great" he said grabbing my hand.
A few minutes later our food came out.
"Oh my gosh this looks delicious" I said with a childish smile on my face.
"I knew you would like it here" Shawn said as we both dug into our food. We soon finished our food and the waiter came over with the bill placing it on the table. I quickly grabbed it before Shawn got the chance.
"No sara I got it" he said attempting to take it from my hand.
"Nope" I said putting the money in the folder and giving it to the waiter.
Shawn rolled his eyes at me.
"Will you at least let me do the tip?" Shawn asked
"Fine" I said as Shawn put money on the table.
We walked out of the restaurant and went back to Shawn's car.
"Hey I have another question for you" he said
"Ok what is it" I asked
"So I know your kinda bummed about the whole not being able to be on the team thing so I talked to coach and he said that you could be the team manager. The jobs pretty easy and you basically become part of the team. Coach also said it looks good on college applications..." Shawn said
"You don't need to convince me, I would love to." I said as we got into Shawn's car.
"I'll text you his number real quick" Shawn said as he sent me his number.
Shawn then zoomed out of the parking lot as I got his text.
"Thank you for thinking of me" I said to Shawn
"No problem, anything for you babe" he said as it almost made me melt.
We pulled into my drive way and Shawn walked me to my door step.
"This morning was fun Shawn, thank you" I said
"I had fun too, thank you for the breakfast" he said pulling me in for a hug then a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Goodbye Sara, have a good day" he said walking to his car.
"Bye Shawn, I hope you do too" I said opening my door. I went over to the couch and plopped myself down.
Hey coach it's Sara, Mark's little sister. Shawn told me about being the team manager and I would love to.
hello Sara, I would love to have you as our manager. You are going to have to come to everything with your brother, but I won't make you come today. See you soon.

I guess I am the new manager of the Malden Knights varsity baseball team.

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