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Serena Santos was a twenty three year old college student that worked two different jobs while she went to college. She also lived with two males she had ended up befriending while in high school that didn't want to lose contact with her. The three bed room apartment they rented was rather expensive and Serena knew it, so she had the two males agree that they would help her pay for all of the utilities and for the rent. She knew that both of them worked together at a local restaurant, so she knew that they both had work.

But for some reason after many years of living with them, they were given a letter from their landlord about their rent only being partly paid each month and that if they didn't fork over the other amount of rent that was needed for the months that needed to be paid that they'd be evicted. She also on the same day got a termination notice for the utilities that Jaden and Jesse were supposed to be paying. She was getting angered that they hadn't been paying their parts, so she chose to stop doing things for them until they did what they needed.

She placed the letter from the landlord and the other termination letters on the door so the two of them would be able to see them. She also wrote her own note under them. 


Serena then went to her college for her classes and she brushed off all of the things that irate her as she focused on her classes. When she got out of the college at nine at night she turned her phone on only to see that she had messaged from Jesse and Jaden. She leaned against her car as she read their messages in a group chat that they had together.

Jaden: Your note was hostile Rena, is it really that bad that we didn't pay them for so long?

Jesse: We figured you'd be paying them anyways. Our jobs don't pay for shit, I thought you knew that.

Jaden: If you want to go back to the toxic family that you've been trying so hard to get out of be my guest, we were trying to help you gain your freedom that's all

Jesse: it's not our fault that you can't keep up with the bills.

Seeing what she had she wanted to throw her phone, instead she called her phone company and had Jaden and Jesse's phones taken off of her phone plan. Afterwards she decided to call one of her siblings in hopes that they'd be able to help her out. The only one that answered their phone was her eldest brother.

"Hey Rena, what's up kid?"

"I...I need help. My room mates are stressing me the fuck out! I can't keep going to college AND doing two different jobs. Is there anyway that I can move in with you bro?"

"Fuck yeah, you are always welcome here Serena. Just know that I have two kids and they will be up your ass asking you questions and so on."

"That's fine, I can deal with that. Thank you so much bro!"

"Not a problem, Pack what you need to I can get that room ready for you."

"You are a serious life saver! Thank you! I'll be there soon!"

Serena took a deep breath and she hung up the phone before she went into her car. She then drove home and packed up everything that was hers, which didn't leave them much of anything. She packed up things for her room and as she was getting her things out of her room Jaden and Jesse opened their doors to see her moving her things out of her room. Both of them looked stunned to see that she was actually leaving them on their own. When she came back into the apartment Jesse was the first to confront her.

"Rena where are you going?!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! BECAUSE OF YOU AND THAT BASTARD THAT WON'T PAY YOUR PART OF THE UTILITES AND THE DAMN RENT I'M DONE! I'M LEAVING!  You two don't wanna do your part then fine, Karma is a bitch and you two will see what will happen when you don't do what you promised me that you'd do! I can't work two damn jobs and go to college! It's burning me out so damn fucking bad! I shouldn't have to work twice as much because you two can't stop being lazy ass mother fuckers! Now leave me the hell alone!" Serena said angered as she glared at him

Jesse frowned as he realized that their words may have pissed her off and made her leave. As she had gotten to the big furniture in her room she struggled a bit but she was able to get them out of her room and into her car. Once she had shut the door to the apartment Jesse looked at Jaden.

"What are we going to do? We can't live how we used to with her gone....we shouldn't have done that to her."

"She'll be back, there's no way her family isn't going to treat her like shit. You don't know her like I do. Let's just make dinner and get to bed." Jaden said before he went into the kitchen.

When he did he saw that most of the things inside of the kitchen were gone which was a slap in the face for him. "How much did that woman take?!" Jaden said freaking out

"Well she did supply a lot to this place, no doubt she took what was hers. Leaving what she didn't pay for." Jesse said sadly leaning against the island 

"How are we supposed to live like this?"

"Maybe if you weren't so ungodly rude to her she wouldn't have gone off like she had on me and left out."

Jaden groaned out. "I don't want to admit she was right...Fuck!"

[Complete]book one:Don't Forget [Yu-gi-oh GX Love story] Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now