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When Jaden and Jesse came over, her twin elder sisters both had came down together. The two males sat on either side of serena as the three of them played a game together just so Serena's mind wasn't on the twins and instead on something she enjoyed. 

"Oi brat, why the fuck is your play toys here with you? Does mom and dad know you're being a whore with the both of them?" Tasha asked with a scoff

Jesse placed a hand on Serena's shoulder letting her know that he got it. "First off, I'm just Serena's friend. Her and Jaden are the couple, I'm basically third wheeling right now."

Jaden then spoke up. "Anyways your mother knows that Jesse and I are here. She said that as long as Serena and I kept things PG outside of her bedroom that Jesse and I could stay here for as long as Serena wanted to be here for. As for calling Jess and I her 'play toys' she isn't that type of woman. I had to convince her to even be around me after she lost the first man she ever loved and cared about."

"What did the guy saw how ugly she was and ran for the hills?" She said before both females laughed

Serena had enough of the twins and she got up, she slapped both of them hard against the face. 

"NO HE DIED IN A CAR CRASH YOU ASSHOLES! I HAD TO GET GLASSES FOR THE SAME DAMN FUCKING REASON! YOU TWO ARE FUCKING HORRIBLE! At least I had a stable relationship for eight months. At least someone loved me enough that they kept in contact with father. Father is able to have time he has with mother because of the man that I once loved doing what he had for our family! What have you two done that has had that much of an impact on this family?!" Serena shouted angered as she had her hands balled up on either side of her body as tears went down her face talking about aster

Both of them looked at her stunned. "Just who the hell did you date for eight months?" Tasha asked

"Aster. You should remember him, he's the one who told you two that you two looked like fat cows when we were in elementary school."

"Oh...That asshole. Did you seriously tap that?" Her other elder sister asked

"Yes and I was pregnant with his child as well." Serena said upset "When he and I ended up colliding with a drunk driver sliding on black ice, not only did I lose aster...I lost the child as well."

"So you're seriously getting upset about that? So what?"

"Wow you two are heartless, your sister lost not just someone who she loved and adored but a child too and all you two can say is 'so what'? Do you two have any type of compassion for your younger sister?" Jaden asked sadly

her other sister scoffed. "For years her and mother weren't on good terms, I don't get why now of all times she comes back."

"She came back to make peace with your mother and you two." Jesse said seriously "I had asked her to do so, she needs to have a reason to continue living since she believes that her family doesn't love or care for her. I want to prove to her that she is wrong-but so far you two are proving her right. Do you two truly want to be the reason that you lose your younger sister?"

"Why do you two hate your sister so much for? You two have no reason to hate Serena for anything, she's done nothing to either one of you two." Jaden asked confused

"Because of her we couldn't go out on our birthday. We had to stay home instead."

Serena was confused "Ya'll two's birthday is in June what happened happened years ago around this time. How the fuck does that work?"

"Mom was saving up money for us for a concert for the two of us to go to with them. But we couldn't go since you chose to be a cunt and not help mother out."

[Complete]book one:Don't Forget [Yu-gi-oh GX Love story] Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now